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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 14:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 18:03

The airbag principle of work
Typical airbag system includes two parts: the collision detection ignition (or sensor), the gas generator airbag (or spirit bag). When the sensor switches, control circuit, which began in working conditions and by detection circuit to judge whether there really a collision. If the signal is also from two sensors word can make the airbag began to function. Because of the car battery are usually generators and head to the damage, therefore, the airbag control system with their own power to ensure function. In the determination of cast airbag control circuit, after proper conditions will be sent to the ignition, current through the quick heating, instantaneous will contain nitrogen sodium propellant lighting. In the explosion of chemical reaction fast, proces a large number of harmless to the gas, nitrogen and full of state inflatable balloon, and a strong impact on the steering wheel, can push aside of the air, and completely cover to protect the drivers don't hurt. Head, In the process of propellant lit, ignition assembly of metal net can be cooled, the rapid expansion of gas can be designed by air exhaust vent, small to graally, and avoid buffer function in body continues to move after collision block.
Need of special note is, in a certain sensor only satisfies the conditions will work. The design of the sensor airbag has a lot of kinds, some are using penlum or lever switch, still have the spring load transfer wheel, in addition to use mercury switch procts. But no matter how type sensor switches, must have enough force to make the switch, and the shock must start from the positive direction. Usually this force approximately equal to 25 kilometers per hour to 50 km collision fixation proced results. When the car was the high-speed collisions, the sensor and the car crash in auto safety of sensors, the central can detect speed recer, and suddenly the signal transmitted quickly SRS system control computers, computer after analysis after confirmation, would detonate airbag packets of electricity, hot air port expansion occurs.
According to the calculation, the formal airbag must occur in the car after collision 0.01 seconds microprocessor start working, 0.03 seconds ignition start-up, 0.05 seconds high-pressure gases into the air, 0.08 seconds gasbag expands outward, 0.11 seconds after the balloon expands complete, and drivers will hit air.
Visible, the open air crash or Angle and hit with all speed, generally in auto flip, slight collision, side collision or behind collision, does not open, such as air upgrade santana 2000 in positive about 30 degrees within the stricken will open airbags. Another point, to hit rate, the determination of the SRS system is reced after bumping vehicle speed, so do the security, are generally make straight into the cannot move and deformation of the wall can.

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