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求英语高手啊 帮我翻译一个图片上的文字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 04:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:45

When I no longer love you, do not give me a message.
When I no longer love you, do not give me a message.
Don't try to arouse my memory words touched my heart.
If your people can not move me, even if you use words touched me again,
For a moment of tenderness, a large gap in the attentive later I will make youmore sad.
All in all, may have come too fast, go too fast;
Please believe me, I was really like you;
But, when I didn't like you, really didn't love;
No matter you how handsome or good, there is no regrets in my eyes are not.
So, please, when I love you, please cherish me, don't let my heart has died, in the back
of retaining, root not useless, but will make me more tired of you.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:46

当我不再爱你的时候 【When I no longer love you】
当我不再爱你的时候 【When I no longer love you】,不要再给我发短信【Don't send a short message to me】
不要再试图用文字唤起我的回忆来打动我的心【Don't try to arouse my memory to affect my heart. with any words .】
如果你的人不能打动我【If your can't affect me】,那么即使你用文字感动我一回【So even if you use the words touch me again】
换来片刻温存【To get the tender for a moment】,温存过后的大片空白我会让你更加难过【A huge blank space after tender I will make you sadder】
一切的一切,也许来的也快,走的也快【All in all, maybe came fast too, went fast too】
请相信我, 我当时确实是喜欢过你【Please believe me,I really liked you at that time】
但,当我不喜欢你的时候,就真的不喜欢你【But, when I didn't like you, I really didn't like you any more】
不管你的多帅气或多好,在我眼里都不会有任何遗憾【No matter how handsome and good you are,no regret in my eyes any more】
所以,请在我爱你的时候,请多多珍惜我,别让我心已死时,再回来挽留,根本就没用,反而会让我对你更加厌倦【So, please cherish me when I love you, Don't let my heart has died , then come back to urge me to stay, it's useless, it will make me more tired of you】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:46

When i dont love you anymore
when i dont love you anymore, do not text me
do not try to use text to remind me of what we had in order to impress me
If "you" cant even impress me, then even though the text from you could affect me once,
for once we are back together, there will be more pain following the emptyness you will feel later
all of this would come fast and leave fast
Believe me, i was in love with you
But, when i am not, then i am certainly not
No matter how handsome or how nice you are, i do not see any thing worthy to regret
So please treasure me when i love you, do not try to persuade me to stay when my heart no longer beats for you, there is no use, instead i will feel more tired of you

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:47

When I no longer love you.
When I no longer love you, do not give me a message.
Don't try to use words to arouse my memory to impress my heart.
If your people can not move me, even if you use words to impress me again.
For a moment of tenderness, a large gap in the attentive later I will make you more sad.
All in all, may have come too fast, go too fast;
please believe me, I was really like you;
but, when I didn't like you, really didn't love;
No matter you how handsome or good, there is no regrets in my eyes are not.
So, please, when I love you, please cherish me, don't let my heart has died,
and then come back to stay, it's useless, it will make me more tired of you.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:47

When I didn't love you
When I didn't love you ,you had sent me message.
You didn't try to write words evoked my memories to had impressed my heart.

If you didn't mpressed me , I would make you more sad.Even if you wrote words impressed me once ,after touched me a movement there was blank.
Everything may fast came or fast left
Please believe me, I loved you ,
but I didn;t really love you r,when I didn't love you
Even though you're more handsome or good ,there was no regret in my eyes

So Please cherished me ,when I loved you
,When my heart was broken you came back can take I to stay,which was uesless. rather I was more tired of you.
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