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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 02:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:14

Along with the world globalization, service trade in international trade share of constantly increasing, international trade in financial services has become more and more important. The banking instry as an important part of the financial instry, the development of trade in services will occupy more share of trade. So a country banking service trade internationalization and financial service trade competitiveness is closely related to the. Domestic and foreign scholars also pay more and more attention to the study of financial service trade. Research on service trade banking is number not much, much to the overall financial service trade as an object of study for theoretical discussion.
Since the beginning of the nineteen eighties began to formally study on trade in financial services, but the reference is very little, so far on what kind of trade theory applies to trade in financial service still exist many different viewpoints. Of which there are:
(1) the endogenous comparative advantage model
This view that the comparative advantage can be obtained through investment in innovation and accumulation of experience or artificially created acquired through professional learning, by technological innovation, capital accumulation, human capital investment, reasonable system decision. Australia University of New South Wales scholar Moshiria.F (1994) using cross-section data analysis shows that: the financial services and manufacturing, some basic factor endowment comparative advantage in international financial services supply in developed countries, these factors are the bank's international asset scale, physical and human capital, the level of information technology (represented by the R&D number).
(2) the economies of scale model
Ter Wengel Jan of the Vrije University Amsterdam Institute of economic and Social Research (1995) analysis of 141 countries bilateral trade mode in the "international trade in financial services", focusing on testing the applicability of different trade theory, analysis of the source of the bank's financial instry comparative advantage. The results show that: economies of scale can best explain the international banking to the representative office, branch, subsidiary three commercial presence provides international service agent. This theory has important practical significance, since the nineteen ninties banking international mergers and acquisitions boom is caused by bankers to seek economies of scale.
(3) mixed pattern of trade
Australia's University of New South Wales, Moshiria.F (1998) analysis of 1980-1995 financial services trade data show that Japan, in the period of financial service trade shows characteristics of inter-instry and intra-instry trade mix. This feature is the foundation of financial services and procts difference in bilateral trade.
(4) the trade protection theory
The world bank economic policy research center Tom Glaessner and Stijn Claessens (1998) proposed in the "Asian financial services internationalization": a direct result of the opening of financial service market is the freedom of capital import. Open the financial service of the great pressure of competition out of the financial institutions in some inefficient, however weak financial institutions failures could harm the financial system and the whole economic system through the Domino effect of the safety, economic cost which is caused by the financial service internationalization. The internationalization of financial services to control the speed and degree of participation in international competition. Scholar Moshirian (1993) think, liberalization can not prove that is closely linked to the financial market is stable, while the entry of foreign financial institutions, easily lead to capital outflows.

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