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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 05:42



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:55

绝对原创,首发,谢绝抄袭~ New term New image Gone are the day when we enjoyed our life without any presure,it is now the new term of nine grade that we should pay more attention to.In order to deal with the new challenges in the new life,there leaves many aspects that you should improve. Not only do you feel that you are burdened with more homework,and also you maybe have some difficulty geting alone with your classmates.What's worse,parents and teachers merely care about your mark but not your true feelings.So frustrating will you find the new life if you can't strike the balance between study and entertainment. Despite the more stressed life,you can still make new progress.Every challenge means a chance at the same time.Once you overcome it ,how proud you will feel.New term need you to build up a new image,which means you should do your affairs by yourself.You have to be more diligent and patient solving problems.In addition,trying to do someting worthy to relax yourself.Do you ever hear a old saying:all work and no play make Jack a ll boy.It's necessary to make full use of your spare time to ajust you to the high-pace life of 9th grade. Finally,what you should bare in your mind is that no matter how bad is the new life,never lose heart.New term,new image,new future! 写的有点长,需要比较简单的吗? 翻译一下吧: 新学期 新气象 那些你可以无忧无虑享受生活的日子已经一去不复返了,现在你必须把更多的注意力放在新的初三生活。为了能够处理好新生活中的新挑战,你仍需要在很多方面提高自己。 你将不仅仅发现你自己有更多的课业负担,可能还会觉得自己不能很好的和同学相处。更糟糕的是,家长和老师仅仅只关注你的考试成绩,而不是你真正的内心情感。如果你不能在学习和娱乐之间掌握好平衡,你会发现你的新生活是多么的令人沮丧。 尽管新生活会刚有压力,你仍然会有新的进步。每个挑战同时意味着机遇。只要你能克服它,就会感到非常自豪。新学校需要你以崭新的面貌对待,这意味着你必须自己的事自己做。处理问题上,你应该更勤奋和耐心。除此之外,你还必须做一些有意义的事来放松。你曾经听过这样的一句话吗:劳逸结合。充分利用你的业余时光去让你适应新的初三生活是很必要的。 最后,你应该在你的脑海中牢记:不管生活是多么的糟糕,不要失去信心。新学期,新气象,新未来! 好的话,选为满意答案吧,谢谢~ O(∩_∩)O~

you can still make new progress.Every challenge means a chance at the same time.Once you overcome it ,how proud you will feel.New term need you to build up a new image,which means you should do your affairs by yourself.You have to be more diligent and patient solving problem...


“对初中学习生活的打算”英语作文 I will be in the third grade in the next term.Since the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons...

求一篇英语作文。初三的。题目如下 假如你是Mike,你的朋友jim将要到你 ...

Dear Jim,I'm glad to hear that you are coming to study in our school. I'm really glad that I'll see you soon for we can study and play together.Now let me introduce some rules of our school to you.At first,you should go to school on time.Then you must wear the sc...


Dear my friend Natinal Day will be coming.I have a plan about it.We can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wan...


Dear Jane,I have been at senior high school for more than two months. I am writing down my thoughts about my new school life.My new school is called XXX Senior High School. it is a very short distance from where I live. I don't need to take a bus or anything to go...


Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing to you to recommend David to be the new Chairman of Student Union.I think he is a quite excellent student with good personalities. He is confident and hard working and thinks anything is possible if you put your heart in it. Sometimes, if we have...

急求初三英语作文(下)how to use the computer .最好附有翻译

Nobody can live without a puter in this information age.计算机可以做很多事情.它可以打印,可以上网,可以储存照片.你可以用电脑写邮件、听音乐、看电影和电视剧、购物、上网浏览、玩游戏等等.学习使用电脑的最佳方式是要用自己的节奏来学习.网络上有为初学者的入门材料,在网上你可以找到最常用的软件和...


between the two,if our time allowed.Without doubt,first,we could handle our homework,if our time not allowed.In a word,we should not ostracize the online classes,on the contrary,we should adapt to a new circumstance with the coexistence of opportunities and chanllges.


)I will study harder in the third year of junior high school and not to be naughty any longer.(我将会在初三的时候更加努力学习而且不会再淘气。)I am looking forward to the new term.(我很期待新学期的到来。)I will listen to the teacher more carefully.(我将会更加认真听老师讲课...

急求五篇初三英语作文,写的一般的就行...急急急急急急急急 80字以内...

andI wish my health to my uncle. We had an enjoyable day in my uncle.今天是大年初一,我非常的激动7点就起床了,这是我最近起的最早的。妈妈已经给我准备好了面条,吃完面。我们就出去舅舅家拜年,舅舅准备很多好吃的东西,还给我压岁钱。舅舅希望我在新的一年学习进步,我也祝舅舅身体健康...

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