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usage: whois [-aAbdgiIklmQrR6] [-c country-code | -h hostname] [-p port] name ...
xiaomu@ftp$ man whois
WHOIS(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual WHOIS(1)

whois -- Internet domain name and network number directory service

whois [-aAbdgiIklmQrR6] [-c country-code | -h host] [-p port] name ...

The whois utility looks up records in the databases maintained by several
Network Information Centers (NICs).

The options are as follows:

-a Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database.
It contains network numbers used in those parts of the world cov-
ered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE.

(Hint: All point of contact handles in the ARIN whois database
end with "-ARIN".)

-A Use the Asia/Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) database.
It contains network numbers used in East Asia, Australia, New
Zealand, and the Pacific islands.

-b Use the Network Abuse Clearinghouse database. It contains
addresses to which network abuse should be reported, indexed by
domain name.

-c country-code
This is the equivalent of using the -h option with an argument of

-d Use the US Department of Defense database. It contains points of
contact for subdomains of .MIL.

-g Use the US non-military federal government database, which con-
tains points of contact for subdomains of .GOV.

-h host
Use the specified host instead of the default variant. Either a
host name or an IP address may be specified.

By default whois constructs the name of a whois server to use
from the top-level domain (TLD) of the supplied (single) argu-
ment, and appending ".whois-servers.net". This effectively
allows a suitable whois server to be selected automatically for a
large number of TLDs.

In the event that an IP address is specified, the whois server
will default to the American Registry for Internet Numbers
(ARIN). If a query to ARIN references APNIC, LACNIC, or RIPE,
that server will be queried also, provided that the -Q option is
not specified.

If the query is not a domain name or IP address, whois will fall
back to whois.crsnic.net.

-i Use the Network Solutions Registry for Internet Numbers
(whois.networksolutions.com) database. It contains network num-
bers and domain contact information for most of .COM, .NET, .ORG
and .EDU domains.

NOTE! The registration of these domains is now done by a number
of independent and competing registrars and this database holds
no information on the domains registered by organizations other
than Network Solutions, Inc. Also, note that the InterNIC data-
base (whois.internic.net) is no longer handled by Network Solu-
tions, Inc. For details, see http://www.internic.net/.

(Hint: Contact information, identified by the term handle, can be
looked up by prefixing "handle " to the NIC handle in the query.)

-I Use the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) database. It
contains network information for top-level domains.

-k Use the National Internet Development Agency of Korea's (KRNIC)
database. It contains network numbers and domain contact infor-
mation for Korea.

-l Use the Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry
(LACNIC) database. It contains network numbers used in much of
Latin America and the Caribbean.

-m Use the Route Arbiter Database (RADB) database. It contains
route policy specifications for a large number of operators' net-

-p port
Connect to the whois server on port. If this option is not spec-
ified, whois defaults to port 43.

-Q Do a quick lookup. This means that whois will not attempt to
lookup the name in the authoritative whois server (if one is
listed). This option has no effect when combined with any other

-r Use the R'eseaux IP Europ'eens (RIPE) database. It contains net-
work numbers and domain contact information for Europe.

-R Use the Russia Network Information Center (RIPN) database. It
contains network numbers and domain contact information for sub-
domains of .RU. This option is deprecated; use the -c option
with an argument of "RU" instead.

-6 Use the IPv6 Resource Center (6bone) database. It contains net-
work names and addresses for the IPv6 network.

The operands specified to whois are treated independently and may be used
as queries on different whois servers.

Most types of data, such as domain names and IP addresses, can be used as
arguments to whois without any options, and whois will choose the correct
whois server to query. Some exceptions, where whois will not be able to
handle data correctly, are detailed below.

To obtain contact information about an administrator located in the Rus-
sian TLD domain "RU", use the -c option as shown in the following exam-
ple, where CONTACT-ID is substituted with the actual contact identifier.

whois -c RU CONTACT-ID

(Note: This example is specific to the TLD "RU", but other TLDs can be
queried by using a similar syntax.)

The following example demonstrates how to obtain information about an
IPv6 address or hostname using the -6 option, which directs the query to

whois -6 IPv6-IP-Address

The following example demonstrates how to query a whois server using a
non-standard port, where ``query-data'' is the query to be sent to
``whois.example.com'' on port ``rwhois'' (written numerically as 4321).

whois -h whois.example.com -p rwhois query-data

Ken Harrenstien and Vic White, NICNAME/WHOIS, 1 March 1982, RFC 812.

The whois command appeared in 4.3BSD.

FreeBSD 6.0 December 11, 2004 FreeBSD 6.0


WHOIS是一种用于查询域名注册信息的数据库管理系统。通过这个系统,用户可以查找域名所有者的信息、域名注册和到期日期,以及域名服务器的相关信息。它在互联网领域的应用非常广泛,主要用于域名管理和知识产权保护。关于WHOIS的详细解释 1. WHOIS的基本定义:WHOIS是一个服务系统,主要用于提供域名注册信息查...


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whois意思是谁。中文谁是who is。相关短语有Who is this 是谁呀;who is who 谁是谁,名人,有影响的人;prson who has significantly helped someone else恩人;Who's Who名人录,名人辞典 who's who n. 名人录,,[总称]名人。He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily fin st. ...


whois(读作“Who is”,非缩写)是用来查询域名的IP以及所有者等信息的传输协议。简单说,whois就是一个用来查询域名是否已经被注册,以及注册域名的详细信息的数据库(如域名所有人、域名注册商)。通过whois来实现对域名信息的查询。早期的whois查询多以命令列接口存在,但是现在出现了一些网页接口简化...

who is 和 who are 有什么分别?~

1、who is:是谁。2、who are:谁是。二、用法不同 1、who is:who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“…的人,那个…”“他,她,他们”,在句中作主语。2、who are:指某一组织机构的成员时也可用who,...

WHOIS是什么意思 ???



Whois,简单来说,是一个查询工具,用于查找互联网上特定域名或IP地址的所有权和联系信息。它的核心概念源自短语"Who is this",即询问某人的身份。Whois还包括"who i双施赵s who",指的是那些在社会上有影响力的人物,如名人或恩人。Who's Who则特指名人录,收录着知名人士的详细资料,如同一本...


什么是whois查询?whois 是用来查询域名的IP以及所有者等信息的传输协议。简单说,whois就是一个用来查询域名是否已经被注册,以及注册域名的详细信息的数据库(如域名所有人、域名注册商)。通过 whois 来实现对域名信息的查询。当搜索一个域名时,如果该域名已成功注册,它会反馈域名的注册信息,包括...

什么是域名 WHOIS,如何查询域名的 WHOIS 信息?

WHOIS,全称Who Is,是一种查询工具,用于检索域名的IP地址、所有权和相关详细信息,如注册者、注册商、注册日期、过期日期、域名状态和DNS服务器等。它最初以命令行接口的形式存在,但现在也有了在线网页查询工具,方便用户通过输入想要查询的域名进行信息查找。例如,通过阿里云旗下的万网WHOIS查询,只需...

什么是域名 WHOIS,如何查询域名的 WHOIS 信息?




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