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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 00:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:32

when and where were you born ?
2.昨天我们不在学校在家。We were not at school but at home yesterday .
3.两天前我们学校有场篮球赛。 There was a basketball match in our school two days ago.
4.上周五我迟到了,实在抱歉。I am sorry for being late last friday.
5.我们刚才在操场上,现在在教室。We were on playground just now but we are in classroom at present.
They were not in Shanghai and they were in Beijing.
They were in Grade seven last year and are in Grade eight this year.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:32

1. When and where were you born?
2.We were not at school yesterday, we were at home.
3.We had a basketball match in our school two days ago.
4.I am so sorry that I was late for school last Friday.
5.We were on the playground just now,now we are in the classroom.
6.They were not in Shanghai yesterday, they were in Beijing at that time.
7.They were in Grade 7 last year and they are in Grade 8 this year.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:33

When and where were you born?

We weren't at school but at home yesterday.

There was a basketball match in our school two days ago. 或者
We had a basketball match in our school two days ago.

I am sorry that I was late last Friday

We were on the playground just now ,now we are in the classroom

They were n't in Shanghai,they were in Beijing yesterday

Last year,they were in Grade Seven,this year they are in Grade Eight


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:34

1.When were you borned?
2.We were not at school but at home yesterday.
3.We had a basketball match two days ago.
4.I was late last Friday. I'm sorry.
5.We were on the playground and now are in the classroom.
6.They were not in Shanghai but in Beijing yestday.
7.I was at grade seven and I'm at grade eight.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:34

1. When and where you were born?

2. Yesterday, we do not home school.

3. Two days ago, our school basketball game.

4. I was late last Friday, I am sorry.

5. We have just in the playground, and now in the classroom.

6. They are not in Shanghai yesterday, they in Beijing.

7. The 7th grade last year, this year the Year 8

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 22:35

where and when were you born?

we are not at home yesterday because we at school.

there is a basketball match two days ago.
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