发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 22:45
热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:31
Good ,dear teachers and schoolmates, my name is . Today my speech title is 。各位老师,同学们,大家好。我叫 。今天我演讲的题目是《手》The world is colorfuland brilliant. Why is it so beautiful bexause everyone has a pair of hands. Different people have different hands, and the hands have different usage.我们的世界五彩斑斓,精彩纷呈。为什么这么美? 这一双双灵巧的手长在不同人的身上,发挥着不同的作用。 Engineer's hands design pictures one by one, and build tall buildings.工程师的双手,设计出一张张图纸,用它建造出一幢幢的高楼大厦。Teacher hands correct homework one by one, and make so many useful people. 老师的双手,批改了一叠叠的作业本,培养了千千万万的国家栋梁。Doctor's hands make operation one by one, and make people be healthy. 医生的双手,做成功了一例例的手术,让人们的脸上绽开了健康的花朵。I love my hands, I love every hard-working hands! 我爱这一双双灵巧的手,我赞美这一双双勤劳的手!Thank you for listening.谢谢。Good ,dear teachers and schoolmates, my name is . Today my speech title is 。各位老师,同学们,大家好。我叫 。今天我演讲的题目是《我的理想》Everyone has an ideal, if you ask me what’s my ideal, I’ll tell you: I have a lot of ideals.每个人都有自己的理想,如果你要问我的理想是什么, 我会告诉你: 我的理想有很多很多。 My ideal is to be an artist, I want to draw a colourful world with my brush. 我的理想是当一名画家, 用手的画笔,画出五彩斑斓的世界。My ideal is be a house designer, I want to build all kinds of houses with my new idea.我的理想是做一位住房设计师, 展开想象的翅膀, 把房屋建得多种多样。My ideal is to be a teacher, I want to make out many useful people with my ty. 我的理想是当一位教师, 尽自己的义务, 为祖国培育出 一批批精英骨干。 My ideal is to be a doctor, I want to save people’s live with my ability. 我的理想是做一名医生, 用我的实力, 为人们救扶伤。In order to make my ideal come true, I would like tostudy hard ,and make progress everyday.为了实现我的理想, 我要好好学习, 天天向上。 Thank you for listening.谢谢。Good ,dear teachers and schoolmates, my name is . Today my speech title is 。各位老师,同学们,大家好。我叫 。今天我演讲的题目是《友谊》What is friendship Friendship and our life are closed, is a part of feelings. 友谊是什么?友谊是和我们生活紧密相连的、不可缺少的感情的一部分。 In class, If someone is sick, others will concern; If someone has difficulty in study,others will help.在班集体里,哪位同学病了,大家都会关心;某个同学学习上遇到困难,就有人主动去帮助、耐心地讲解。After class, everyone go out to play, We all play happily together. When we play, something may be happened, but we’l soon get on well.下课时,大家出去玩游戏,不论是谁,大家都会让他参加,一起开心地玩。虽然我们玩的时候,可以为一件小事发生矛盾,但转个身就又和好如初了。The friendship is like a magnet, so that we get together and get high score. It’s just like a song: Unit is power. 班里同学之间的友谊像磁铁一样,使我们增强了团结,我们班就能在各项活动中取得优异的成绩,正如一首歌的名字一样:团结就是力量!I hope our friendship be long forever.! 但愿我们的友谊地久天长!Thank you for listening.谢谢。Good ,dear teachers and schoolmates, my name is . Today my speech title is If I have a pair of wings >。各位老师,同学们,大家好。我叫 。今天我演讲的题目是《如果我有一双翅膀》If I have a pair of wings, I’lll fly in the blue sky. listen to the cloud to tell stories, and play together with the rain.假如我有一双翅膀,我就在蓝天飞翔。 静静倾听白云阿姨讲故事,和小雨点一起嬉戏,飞翔。If I have a pair of wings, I’ll fly in the blue sky. Open people's hearts all over the world, to make people's hearts more kind. 假如我有一双翅膀,我就在蓝天上飞翔。打开全世界人们的心灵之窗,让人们的心灵更加善良。If I have a pair of wings, I’ll fly in the blue sky. To transform the Earth, and make it more beautiful. 假如我有一双翅膀, 我就在蓝天上飞翔。 把地球进行改造, 让它更加美丽,富强。If I have a pair of wings, I'll fly in the blue sky. To change change our motherland, and make it moregreat and brilliant. 假如我有一双翅膀, 我就要在蓝天上飞翔。 让祖国奇迹般地改变自己, 把祖国变得更加伟大,辉煌。 Let’s work together to make a beautiful tommorow. 让我们一起创造美好的明天吧! Thank you for listening.谢谢。Good ,dear teachers and schoolmates, my name is . Today my speech title is If I were a drop of water >。各位老师,同学们,大家好。我叫 。今天我演讲的题目是《如果我是一滴水》If I were a drop of water, I would like to go to the desert with my friends, to make there grow out green trees and grass. 假如我是一颗水滴,我要叫来我的同伴,一起前往那干旱的沙漠,让那里长出翠绿的嫩芽,让那里成为碧绿的海洋。 If I were a drop of water, I would like to become a stream, and flow to the dry place, so that the people will no longer be thirsty. 假如我是一颗水滴,我要变成一条小溪,流向缺水的地方,让那里的人们享受水的甘甜而不再口渴。 If I were a drop of water, I would like to land into the forest, came to the clear streams, to sing a happy song with forest singers together. 假如我是一颗水滴,我要降落到森林,来到清澈的小溪,和森林里的音乐家们共同欢快地唱起森林雄伟的交响曲。If I were a drop of water, I would like to do many thing, a drop of water is limited, but together will become powerful. 假如我是一颗水滴,我要办许多我能办到的事情,一滴水滴虽然渺小,但聚集在一起会变的威力巨大。 Thank you for listening.谢谢。If I were the Monkey King, I used如意棒wave, landfill disappeared; uproot my monkey hair from the body,洒落up at the river, just like a fairy散花as soon as the river became cleaner the many; me I仙气blowing gently, like air fresheners, like the air has become cleaner, but also smell it a bit! 假如我是孙悟空,我用如意棒一挥,垃圾堆消失得无影无踪;我从身上拔根猴毛,洒落在河流上,就像仙女散花一样,河水马上变得洁净多了;我轻轻地吹口仙气,就像空气清新剂一样,把空气变得清新,而且还带点香味呢!If I were the Monkey King, I will corrupt those who come back to catch all the history of pollution, and then tied together, with my如意棒give them some "formidable" Finally, I put them in these "borers" are brainwashing a new leaf, so country will no longer be the property of the people have lost! 假如我是孙悟空,我会把那些贪官污史通通捉回来,然后捆在一起,用我的如意棒给他们一些“厉害”,最后,我会把他们这些“蛀虫”全都*,重新做人,这样国家人民的财产再也不会有损失了!If I were the Monkey King, I will assist the children who have difficulties in school. I get out a new teaching building, so that children can not go to school since then have fun, I would like to become a sports ground, so that they enjoy in the sports arena to play and play, so that they live in a happy way! 假如我是孙悟空,我会帮助有困难的孩子们上学去。我会变出一幢崭新的教学楼,让无法上学的孩子从此有了欢乐,我还要变一个运动场,让他们在运动场上尽情玩耍和嬉戏,让他们生活在快乐之中! If the imagination can achieve, then nice ah! But will become more beautiful homeland. 假如这些想象都能实现的话,那该多好啊!而且祖国也会变得更加美丽。尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学,大家好: 今天,我演讲的题目是:关注细节,从小事做起。 学校是培育人才的摇篮,是祖国栋梁成长的地方,是塑造美好心灵的净土。作为我们老师和学生,每个人的日常生活、学习都是由一件件小事构成的,我们不能对这些不起眼的小事敷衍而行或轻视懈怠。请记住:关注细节,生活无小事。所有成功者,无不是从小事做起,无不是关注自己身边的每一个细节。 让我们看看,在校园生活中,我们有好多好多的小事,你做到了吗?比如:踏着朝阳迈进学校,你是否见到了纸屑、果皮、食品袋,捡一捡呢?课间十分钟,你是否做到了不追逐打闹,轻声慢步过走廊,上下楼道靠右行呢?你,爱护公用设施、关爱生命、团结同学、礼貌待人、乐于助人、认真听讲了吗?踏着夕阳,你是否想过我今天收获了多少,有什么快乐吗?等等。这些小小事都需要我们具有一种锲而不舍的精神,一种支持到底的信念,一种脚踏实地的务实态度,一种自动自发的责任心,一种没有任何借口的行为准则。只有这样,我们才会成功,才会胜利,才会成为强者,才会屹立于不败之地。 同学们,让我们关注好细节,从小事做起吧! 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:大家好!我演讲的题目是《珍惜美好生活,努力拼搏》。站在高高飘扬的五星红旗下,在雄壮的国歌声中,沐浴着这温暖的阳光。我情不自禁的想起无数的人仁志士、英雄好汉为了迎得新中国的民主解放,为了换取我们今天的美好生活,抛头颅,洒热血,奋斗终生。今天我们能坐在如此宽敞明亮的教室里愉快的学习,能有这么优秀的园丁培育着我们,我们怎能不珍惜这美好的学习生活呢?同学们,当你学习懒散时,你可曾想过《珍贵的教科书》的故事?当你对生活充满抱怨时,你可曾想过《王二小》的故事?当你随意破坏公物时,你可曾想过战火纷飞年代里的孩子们,趴在地上学习的场面?同学们,我是幸福的,有辉煌腾达的祖国,有美满幸福的家庭。我们作为祖国未来的建设者和*人,享受着祖国给予的美好生活,我们有责任,有义务为祖国贡献一切。同学们,让我们从现在开始,努力拼搏,为祖国的未来加油吧!我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!When the Five-Starred Red Flag rising in the sun, when I hear the national song beat my heart, I am so proud of being a Chinese. Because This is a good nation, this is a great country!当五星红旗披着朝霞冉冉升起,当雄壮的国歌如浪如潮地拍打着我的心扉,我为我是一位中华儿女而骄傲!只因这是一个优秀的民族,这是一个伟大的国家!Look, The culture master Stars, the scientific miracle of mankind, the Chinese cheering tides, the Great Wall flowers, the bleeding wall of black prison, and the flag that flying on Long Road… This is the pride of the Chinese.看,那灿若群星的文化巨匠,那轰动人类的科学奇迹,那比赛大厅中为中国欢呼的潮汐,那长城上不屈的红缨,那黑牢里淌血的墙壁,那长征大道上飞卷的红旗……这都是中华的骄傲.As the future masters of our homeland,as the Young Pioneers of the new century, how can we not catch up! How can we not want to fly wings!作为祖国未来的小主人,作为新世纪的少年先锋队队员,我们怎能不奋起直追!怎能不振翅欲飞!Listen,the students are reading books.the studying air is in the campus, let’s start from our own, starting from today, with our word and deed, with our actions to dress up the campus, and to face the future!听,朗朗的书声响彻云霄,你追我赶的学习氛围盈满校园,让我们从自己做起,从今天做起,用我的一言一行,用我们的实际行动打扮校园,勇创未来!