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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:20

The Yellow River delta is by far the development potential of China's largest river delta, countries pay more attention and support, in recent years the development process, there have been some problems.
In this paper, through theoretical analysis, research status, problems, strategy, policy research of anatomy in several parts of the Yellow River delta efficient ecological economic zone of instrial cluster of the healthy and rapid development of. First is the introction of instrial cluster concepts, including the classification of the characteristics and development mode; followed by analysis of SWOT for development of this area at present, a comprehensive understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; thirdly, summarize the development found in the question, and analyzes its causes root; at last through analysis and research, before, put forward the strategic policy to solve the problem of development in the region, including the following aspects of national support, local support and its adjustment and upgrading of instrial clusters, so as to promote the steady development of the Yellow River delta efficient high efficiency of State Economic Zone of instrial cluster under the situation of global economic integration.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:20

Huanghe Delta is the fluviodelta that have the most potential in China so far. It is given great attention and tremendous supports from the government. However, in the recent years, there has appeared several blocks consecutively.

This essay is divided into sections of theorotical analysis, research of IP QoS Status, dig of the problems, strategic alignment, and policy studiy to study the rapid but healthy development of the Huanghe Delta's highly efficent ecological instry cluster. Firstly, the essay introced the concepts of instry cluster, including its characteristics and categories; Then, the essay concluded existing problems and their roots; Lastly, the essay draw a strategic solution to the problems according to the previous analysis, comprising by national supports, local supports, and self-adjustment. In doing these, the Huanghe Delta would maintain a stable and rapid development against the background of economic globalization.

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