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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:57

It is a good method cluster the materials to be memorized. If we cluster similar things, we can remember a lot of them when one of them comes to our mind.
Concentration will affect our memorization. If we can concentrate, our memory will improve. To concentrate, we must avoid irrelevant things. For example, noise in learning environment, irrelevant things on the desk which may attract our attention.
When we study, it is better to have only books on the desk. It is not good for us to memorize things to listen to music while reading. Reading without music can improve memory.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

Another good way to increase memory effect is catagorizing memory materials.
As long as we put things of the same type together when studying, it is easy to remember them one by one when trying to remember them all.
The degree of concentration affects the effect of memory. A high degree of concentration naturally results in a good effect of memory. Consequently to achieve a high degree of concentration, one should try to rece elements that provoke distraction. For instance, a quiet environment of study is essential. Also, there should not be too many things on the table besides books and notebooks, because other things may be a cause of distraction. Some people enjoy listening to music while reading, which is also a negative influence on memorizing. So one should not read while listening to music in order to rece distraction. (个人觉得最后一句汉语意思和前一句重复了。如果这是一道作文题,那最后一句完全可以删掉。)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

The memory material was classified and a good way of improve the memory effect. We are learning to similar things together, remember as long as I think of one would think of a string to concentration levels will affect the effect of memory, attention, memory effect will be good, and to achieve the purpose of focus, we must rece the divided heart stimulation. Such as the learning environment should be quiet; reading the desktop display less things, because in the desktop display will cause a distraction, besides books best, no other things; we a lot of people like to listen to music and read a book, which is one of the reasons that affect memory, read not to listen to music while reading, try to rection of distracting stimuli.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:59

Categorizing memory materials is also a good way to improve memory effect.
We put things of the same category together while studying, so as long as we remember one of them, we can remember the sequence. How much we focus on the study will affect our memory effect. When we focus on the study well, the memory effect will sure be good. In order to be focus, we have to rece the distracting stimulus. For example, the study environment is quiet; and put less things on the desk, because putting more things on the desk can distract us. Besides books, it is better do not put other things; Most of us like to listen to music while reading, which is also a reason for affecting memory. Do not listen to music while reading, in order to rece the distracting stimulus.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 12:00

Classifying memory information is a good approach for enhancing the effect of memorization. If we group together things of the same kind ring learning, when we recall one thing, the rest will come in a cluster.
The degree of concentration on attention will influence the effect of memorization; with focused attention, memorization effect will naturally be good. In order to achieve focused attention, we must rece the distracting stimuli. For example, the learning environment should be peaceful, and the desk should not be cluttered with things because they will distract attention;the best is to leave nothing on the desk other than books. Many people like to read book while listening to music, this is also one of the factors affecting memory. We should not practice this habit and cut down distracting stimuli as much as possible.

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