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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:23



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:59

1) Recently the problem of…has aroused people’s concern.
4)Man is now facing a big problem一(pollution),which is becoming
more and more serious.
5) Have you ever thought of.,.?追问这不够啊



5) Have you ever thought of.,.?


1. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。2. The winter is coming and the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗?3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。5. Actions speak louder than words. ...


初三英语万能句 1.as an old saying goes,.正如一句古老的谚语所说……2.from where i stand. 从我的立场来说……3.it is not uncommon that... ……这是常有的事儿 4.it is almost impossible to do... ……是很困难的 5.the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明……6....


Protect Environment Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is 。 所以我们必须知道如何保护环境。这里有一些方法。First, we can stop driving our 。我是初三学生,不需要太难的单词,只需要必备的。 谢谢啦!我们生长在一个幸福时代,生活条件比以前有了很大的改善。但是我们周...

英语作文My happiness初三水平。急啊。可以追分

My happiness Every time mother to help me pay the ear I feel very happy.Remember every few days, mother will help me ear cleaning, mom will let me sat on a small stool, let me put your head on her lap. The ears up, mother carefully with his left hand a little go ...


1. FromyourletterIlearnedthat...(从你的信中知道……)2. The most striking difference is that A…, while B…3. Iamsorryithastakenmealongtimetoreplytoyourlastletterbut...(很抱歉,这么久才回你的上次来信,只是……)4. 提出建议 5. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/...


As well as many touring theatre, ballet, and musical productions, the Opera House is the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It is administered by the Opera House Trust, under the New South Wales Ministry of the Arts....

英语作文:my favorite teacher.初三水平,要有定语重句80字左右。

In my life,there is a person that I will never forget,that's my favourite teacher.He is a little old with a pair of glasses and he is in short hair.He was very strict with us but he was friendly at the same time.Once,he gave me encouragement when I lost my faith....

关于保护环境的英语作文 初三水平

soft drink cans and bottles.i sort them so that they can be recycied.I'll turn off the lights when I leave the room.Doing that is not enough.Anyway Ishould do everything i can to protect the environment.自己写的不建议就好,不是很复杂,稍微改改应该可以,祝你考试顺利~~...


when we are free.Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to contrlling pollution. In a word, everybody has his duty to protect the world.(字数稍多一点,适当删改,不知道符不符合您的要求,这篇正好应该是初三的水平,就不都翻译了,那句不懂,欢迎随时追问^_^)...

...是不是对所有的人包括好人都不要说真话,防止被人算计?因为人都是自... 乱世逐鹿武将如何搭配 牛奶从牛身上挤出来直至它可以被人饮用而不致病的加工工艺? 牛奶从牛身上挤出来直至它可以被人饮用而不致病的加工工艺? 我在淘宝同一家店买了两件衣服一条裤子和一双鞋子,都是装在一个快递带... 数学起源时期的主要成就 什么是骨头坏死 什么是骨头骨坏死 ...我发快递发给他一推报纸,会不会被淘宝查到了,我是虚假真包 什么是骨头坏死 还没完成的视频不小心上传B站了,怎么撤回? 牙齿牙龈肿痛,医生说是牙龈囊肿 下排牙齿最后一颗牙后面的牙龈肿痛 长成牙,牙龈肿痛怎么办? ;肿痛发病时间及原因:昨天开始牙齿最末端牙龈肿痛治 牙龈肿痛牙齿根部也很疼!! 牙齿末端牙龈肿痛要怎么办 牙齿末端的牙龈肿痛一周了,长智 想在家里种水培生菜50分哦 如何在家里种植有机蔬菜 想在家里房间种植食用菌,该如何操作 非常喜欢吃花生,花生在家里应该怎么种植呢? 三秦高校415安全知识竞赛在哪看成绩 三秦415安全知识竞赛答完怎么查结果 英雄联盟官方助手截图在哪个文件夹里 截图保存位置 英雄联盟截图在哪win7 苹果8网速慢怎么解决 上海的独生子女在拆迁中有什么政策吗 拆迁补贴中对独生子女标准的要求 独生子女拆迁补偿政策 谁有万能英语作文,急用 苹果8手机上了卡显4G但网速慢什么原因? 苹果电脑全选快捷键是什么? 默认网关是0.0.0.0 默认路由中0.0.0.0代表什么? 为什么win7系统进不去192.168.1.1默认网关是0.0.0.0 我的默认网关是0.0.0.0 默认网关0.0.0.0是什么原因,装上路由器就不能上网 问什么我的默认网关是0.0.0.0??? 宽带猫复位后默认网关变成0.0.0.0了 进不去路由器设置,默认网关是0.0.0.0 IP子网掩码默认网关和DNS是什么意思? 子网掩码 是255.255.255.255 默认网关,为什么能上网? 携程返现是返到哪里 在携程网预订了酒店,然后返现120元,可是怎么拿啊,开户行名称 要怎么填,还有 储蓄卡号又怎么填 携程返现可靠吗?离店后要多久才返现啊??有人得到返返现过吗?? 给别人用,会有什么危害? 不小心泄露给了别人有危险吗? 绑定银行卡的给他人使用,有哪些风险? 用自己的手机号注册的给别人有什么风险?
  • 焦点


