发布时间:2023-10-02 10:33
时间:2023-10-03 07:26
Jet fighters have recently been equipped with electronics improvements enabling the pilot to shoot down an enemy plane while still out of sight.There is, however, the following problem: there is no sure way of determining whether a plane that is out of sight is friend or foe.
Which of the following procts suffers from a drawback that, in its logical features, is most like the problem described above?
A.A fire alarm system with such a high heat and smoke threshold that it is likely to react too late to a developing fire
B.An improved electronic ignition system whose superiority is limited to those rare times when it is perfectly adjusted
C.A proct marketed as a weedkiller that kills all plants to which it is applied before they resume active growth in the spring
D.A jar lid designed to be childproof that children have little difficulty removing
E.A cold medicine that relieves most symptoms of the common cold but also causes spells of dizziness
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