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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 03:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 12:40

How to learn English? It’s true that to learn English well is every English learner’s dream. How to learn English? You know “interest” is the key to study lessons well, so I’m sure you should be interested in English at the beginning. Of course, It’s very important also for each English learner to explore learning skills and efficient ways, because it can lead you to success in short term. In the end, I believe everybody who is good at his lessons has a basic method, that is to learn more, to listen to more, to read more, to think more and to write more and so on. In addition, I think makeing firends with foreingers is also a helpful way to learn English well. If you can do it so, you must to be a good English learner in the near future. 备注:自己写的,已提供给过几个个同学使用了,此次稍加修改,请参考使用。

第二,阅读和听一些与水平相符的英语原著和听英语材料是真正学习英语的方法,还可以帮助你从英语的角度思考。Thirdly, brave enough to speak English. The English of many Chinese is “Dumb English” because they can listen, read and write all but speak. Many of them do not speak English ...


Hello Lily:How is everything going?I have some suggestion about learning english. Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take ...


范文一:As English is one of the main subjects that the Chinese students have to take up, learning English becomes prevalence. More and more students find it hard to learn English, because it is fresh to them. Depending on different personality, experience and background, different ...


首先,兴趣是最好的老师,我们应当对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,才不会觉得学习外语是件枯燥乏味的事情.同时,我们还应具有坚强的意志和充分的信心,才不会在学习的路上因为遇到困难而气馁放弃. Grasps a set of good study method to our foreign language study is extremely useful,...


I think you can learn English well.译:怎样才能学好英语呢?我认为有三件事要做,他们是:听,说和练。首先,既然英语是作为一种交流的工具,所以,发音是非常重要的。我们需要多听英语磁带或者上网听英语,来模仿发音。其次,为了拥有好的发音和提高英语水平,你还应该多说英语。你可以看美剧,学习...

好朋友李辉请教如何更好的学习英语 为题,写一篇英语作文带翻译

1. It’s important for us to learn English well.So,we should spend much more time learning it.There is some advice about how to learn English for you:First,You should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class,then memorize new words, and try to use it as ...


because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.我喜欢英语。我觉得我可以和你分享一下我的英语学习方法。首先,培养对英语的兴趣。我的方法是看国外电影。一开始,我会留着字幕一起看。之后我就会不看字幕,只留英文。渐渐地,我对英语表现出极大的兴趣。其次,背诵词汇。词汇是学习英语的必要...


Your friend Emma 翻译:亲爱的麦克 英语是非常有用的语言。我们中的许多人认为它很难。对我来说,我有一些简单的学习英语的方法。首先,我总是看课本和听英语录音带。其次,我看很多英语录像和电影。在我的业余时间,我经常听英语歌曲和记忆歌词。你的朋友 艾玛 写信的格式 正文可以紧接问候语,也...


Learning english can be a very difficult task for most people, this is because we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write english. so i think the best way to learn english is by communicating with others using the lagnguage itself and not just learn ...


study,so we can't always study,wewillbemad,we must have a rest and play for fun,on the other hand,rest is good for our health,we shouln't ignore it,believe me,just do it,you will be successful。i used to studying in this way。To sum up,just do with me。

干杯歌曲介绍 辣椒酱的做法教程 农历4月11日是什么星座生男生女 农历4月11日是什么星座? 索尼LT22I有藏文字体么? 索尼lt22i如何将繁体字变为简体 索尼lt22i显示怎样转换成中文的 索尼LT22i 文字不小心设置成法语了 看不懂 怎么设置回中文 求步骤呀... 贵州有哪些称得上“豪宅”的房子 索尼LT22I有藏文字体么? 什么颜色和什么颜色搭配是灰色 英语的有效学习方法 灰色搭配黑色,这种配色会不会很时尚? 谈谈你对外语学习的思考800字的议论文 你认为好的语言学习方法有哪些?或者谈谈你自己学习英语的一些方法和策略 大家谈谈英语的学习方法和困难 哪两种颜色可以调成灰色? 初中英语学习方法与技巧 优雅精致的高级灰,到底怎样搭配才会更时尚? 英语关于我的学习英语议论文 大家可不可以谈谈自己认为最有效的英语学习方法 谈谈如何用有效的方法学习英语,而不是死记硬背单词和课文!! 关于给朋友写信讨论学好英语的方法的英语作文80字左右 公积金为什么只能提取自己的部分 公积金为什么一年只能取4次? 为什么住房公积金本来可以取6000的,我改了取3600,之后每次半年一取的时候只能_百度问一问 为什么我没取住房公积金但住房公积金显示提取? 为什么离职后住房公积金只能提取一部分 为什么我公积金4000多只能提取1300多? 为什么住房公积金只能提取自己的那一部分 浅灰色跟哪些颜色搭配好看 在配色方面,灰色有什么作用? 学英语最好的方法 家居色彩搭配,灰色搭配什么颜色好看 请结合自己外语学习经验以及学习方法,谈谈你自己认为的学习英语的有效方法 卡其灰色最佳颜色搭配 学习英语的方法。 灰色与什么颜色搭配好看? 英语作文:我的学习方法 家居配色,如何用黄色和灰色进行搭配 谁能帮我写一篇关于讨论英语学习方法的英 男裤灰色配什么颜色上衣 灰色地砖配什么颜色墙面该怎么选择颜色搭配啊,在线等 求助,热敏打印机出现白条怎么破 热敏打印机有白线,怎么回事? 热敏打印机白灯亮是什么原因 条码打印机出现一道白线怎么回事 热敏票据打印机打出来全黑的又有白条纹怎么回事 打印机打出来怎么会有一条条的白线 11pro max手摸摄像头会掉漆吗
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