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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-04 02:54



热心网友 时间:2024-07-18 10:39

The main jobs of translation are understanding and presenting,
we use words that can fit the original passage to express the meaning of the text after we finished reading it and understand it.
We will usually realize that the original texts are actually not that complicated,
and we don't have to work very hard to translate them out,
but after we had read the whole translation we will find that the parts that we don't feel sacrificed are usually the words that are common but are not standed out,
although their meanings look almost the same as the words from the original text, but when we read them,
we will feel that they don't fit the text as they do from the original text, we can't really express the real meanings of them.
In fact, the main reason of why we can't find the words that are fittable is because we are too focusing on the literary meanings of the words,
we didn't use context clues to get the right words.
Now, let's talk about this from different points of view.

手打的哟= =。我中文真心不怎么样= =你读着就好。= =英文担保是对的-w-。

热心网友 时间:2024-07-18 10:39

The main job is to translate the understanding and expression, on the basis of the read text, select from the multi-meaning word meaning the right to express the original meaning.We often have such an experience: the original is not so complicated, the article can also be translated is not laborious, but a closer look and found the full text article is precisely the most dissatisfied with commonly used words that are not visible, although the translation of meaning and the surface of the original meaning of the word seems the same, but read not feel stiff and hard to pronounce is not the original mix, can not express their true meaning. In fact, we failed mainly e to too rigidly adhere to the surface of the original meaning of words, not depending on the context of choosing the appropriate translation of the word. Here we explore from the following perspective.

Now, let's talk about this from different points of view.(现在,让我们从不同的角度来讲一讲这个。)手打的哟= =。我中文真心不怎么样= =你读着就好。= =英文担保是对的-w-。


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1: a given level of income of residents in the Y under the conditions, they will first buy basic consumer goods, while the remaining revenue and then a certain proportion between the various types of consumer goods distribution. As part of revenue will be used for savings and ...

哪位大侠能帮着把下面这段话翻译成英文。毕业答辩用。谢谢了 知识回览...

Knowledge information system based on J2EE system, using B / S structure, open


If your goal is distant, don't use others or events as points of reference. otherwise, you will never go far.


我说不要网上英汉互译翻译的,那个我也会找,他不准确,2楼的哥们,你也太逗了,你就一粘贴已复制就出来了,还把你累死了。希望得到准确答案,之后我分数加倍。推荐答案 With material standard of living rise, people of spiritual and cultural level of the pursuit of more and more is also ...


哪个有时间的帮忙啦。要三千个汉字啊。要求不高,只要读的通。翻得好分数加倍加分啊。这一两天要用。多谢啦。下面我附上原文,一页一页的。。445代表页数。这个问题补充有字数限制。我... 哪个有时间的帮忙啦。要三千个汉字啊。要求不高,只要读的通。翻得好分数加倍加分啊。这一两天要用。多谢啦。下面我附上...


When I make the payment, the clerk told me that I have to show the membership card, otherwise I can't enjoy the member/VIP price. Then I borrow a membership card from a lady and it saved me 200 RMB.

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