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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 04:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 20:17

三个基础音会了以后 学学四元素的WIND 和WATER 这两个都是用基本三音完成的 或者BREAK IT DOWN 如果想学歌的话 给你发几个 只要打鼓和PF小鼓就可以做的,如果PF不行可以用RIMSHOR代替。 K=大鼓, P=小鼓(可用R代替) 你(k问)p我爱kp你(k有)p多深kp 我(k爱)p你(k有)p几分kpk kkkp 我的(k情)p也真kp 我的(k爱)p也真kp 月亮(k代)p表(k我)p的心kpk kkkp 轻(K轻)p的(k一)(p个)吻kpk kkkp 已经(k打)p动(K我)p的心kpk kkkp 深(k深)p的(k一)p段情kpk kkkp 让我(k思)p念(k到)p如今kpk kkkp 1:If you mother only knew 教学视频 http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=700829&iid=5920599&cid=14 If your mother only knew KHKH K If your mother only knew KHK KKKK If your mother only knew That you was tryin to get with me KHK KKKK If your mother only knew R R KHKHKH K If your mother only knew She'd probably throw R You out her home R You'd probably be up on apartments all alone R ~ If your mother only knew R This is the tricky part The beat, and the chorus, at the same time KHK K KHK K K KHK I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) SHKK KSHK I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) SHKK KSHK I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) SHKK KSHK I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) S Ya'll don't think I'm doin' that shit? Ya'll don't think I'm doin' that shit? You think it's some other shit going on? I'm gonna slow it downI'm gonna slow it down a little bit so y'all can hear the pronunciation on everything I'm saying Check it out I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) SHKK KSHK I(K)f your Ps(mo)ther KK(on) K Ps ly knew K(ly knew) SHKK KSHK 2:my pony 教学 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/f1YBatRoolg/ B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B-YEWWw-TS B-YEWWw-TS B-YEWWw TS A PF TS A B-YEWW TS B-YEWW TS B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B-YEWW B-YEWW B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B-YEWW B-YEWW B-YEWW B-I'm just a B-bachelor B-YEWW-TS B-YEWW-TS I'm just a bachelor B-I'm BLOookin' for a B-artner B-YEWW-TS B-YEWW-TS I'm looking for a partner Some B-wonnnne who B-nows how to B-ride B-YEWW B-YEWW Someone who knows how to ride B-without even BF-allin' off (pause) Without even falling off B-YEWW-TS Gotta be compatible B-YEWW-TS B-YEWW-TS Gotta be compatible B-akes me to my B-limits B-YEWW-TS B-YEWW-TS Takes me to my limits Girrrrrllll when I b-break you off, B-YEWW-TS B-YEWW-TS Girl when I break you off I B-promise that you won't B-wanna get off (now go stright to the courus) I promise that you won't want to get off [Chorus] B-If you're B-horny, B-YEWW-TS If your horny let's PF-do it B-YEWW-TS Let's do it B-Ride it B-YEWW-TS Ride it my PF-pony B-YEWW-TS My Pony My PF-saddle's B-YEWW-TS My saddle's PF-waitin'B-YEWW-TS waiting B-Come and B-YEWW-TS Come and jump PF-on it (from here go solo lol) example below jump on it B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B-YEWWw-TS B-YEWWw-TS B-YEWWw TS A PF TS A B-YEWW TS B-YEWW TS B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B-YEWW B-YEWW B-YEWW TS A PF TS A B H H B S H H B H H B H S H H B 3.stand by me 教学 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODY4MjA0Mjg=.html (k-bass)(t-bass) (b-bass) (TSS) (kch) (b-bass) (t) (b) When the night (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (b) (k)-has come (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (b) (k-bass) (t-bass) (d-bass) (tss) (kch) And the (B)-land (k)-is dark (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (B)-and (k)-the moo-(B)-oon (k) (d-bass) (t) (b)-is (k)-the on-(b)-ly (k) (b-bass) (t) (B)-light (k)-we'll see (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (b) (k-bass) (t-bass) (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (B)-no (k)-I (b)-wont (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (b)-e (k)-afraid (d-bass) (tss) (kch) NO-(b)-OO (k)-I (b)-Wont (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)-E (k)-AFRaid (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) Just (k)-AS LO-(b)-ONG (k) (d-bass) (t) (b)-AS (k)-You STA-(b)-AND (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)-Y (k) ME (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) (b) (k-bass) So Darling darling stand (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)-Y (k) me (d-bass) (tss) (kch) O(B)oo (K)Oh stand (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)y (k) me (d-bass) (tss) (kch) (d-bass) (t) Just (k)as lo(B)ong (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)as (k)you sta(b)and (k) (d-bass) (t) (B)y (k) me (d-bass) (tss) (kch) 4.灵儿想叮当那个谱~ (韩)0 这个似乎没教学吧 K H PS H H K PS H K K PS H H K PS <dbud> K K PS HK HK PS H K K PS HK HK PS SS K K PS HK HK PS SSK K PS HK HK PS <dbud> K K PS HK HK PS H K H PS H K R K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS STSTST K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS STSTST K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS STSTST K STST K STST K ST K ST PS ST K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS STSTST K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS STSTST K STST PS STST K STST K ST PS ttttt ggoek K H R H H K R H KK K R H H pv~ R H KK H R H H K R H KK H R H H K R KK R H H R H KK H R H H pv~ R H KK K R H H K R H K H R H H pv~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 20:17

2 am the magic key Ring My Bells
贵阳结婚风俗有哪些 贵阳结婚有何讲究 抚顺结婚盆里放什么 宝宝的衣服需要单独自己用个洗衣机吗? 桂林北站到广州花都要几个小时 请周易大师给给看看这两个命局的喜用神 男:壬戌 辛亥 辛丑 丙申 女:庚... ...闭口不说话、恐怕对人或对事不利而有顾虑、暗中观察、 什么是齿轮的传动功率 幻方及其他:娱乐数学经典名题内容简介 蒙新原花蝽形态特征 智能手机应用软件智能手机有哪些比较经典的软件啊 帮我设计Bloo网名,要非主流效果的 &#39;血狼&#39;翻译成英文是什么??? 死神,雏森桃出现的集数!!! 《BLOOO×BLOOO---血族传说》txt全集下载 JUNGLE BLOOO什么意思 中国电信的路由器后面的线怎么接 中国电信路由器线路怎么插 杯子上的商标撕下后胶还在上面,怎么去除干净 航天金税开票软件显示frm-000013,打不开是什么意 航天金税开票软件怎么导出销项发票 马上消费金融什么时候可以申请现金贷款 航天金税开票软件开票怎么安装在第二台电脑 马上金融怎么贷款,会打家人电话核实吗 马上金融申请减免找谁 马上金融贷款容易下吗 请问一下,在马上消费金融上借款,需要满足什么条件啊? 马上金融公司贷款要交钱是真的吗? 申请马上消费金融贷款需要多久,有什么申请条件 马上消费金融公司借款需要什么手续? oppo手机里的安全中心的安全问题在哪里找 我的电脑中查到木马程序一删完就自动关机怎么回事 血狼两个字翻译成英文好看点的,英文是个战队名。。 螺旋浆动平衡测试机? 为什么历史上把一些丑闻叫XX门,比如水门事件,等等 崩溃大陆bloooball怎么得 有关死神中的雏森桃的问题 求杰克逊的一首歌,.(附图) 李连杰主演的《倚天屠龙记之魔教教主》主题曲和插曲。。叫是名字 ubuntu里的超级键对应于Windows标准键盘到底是哪个键?! 谁能介绍一下The Cottars这个组合 iphone12都有什么颜色 Jaws Unleashed (大白鲨)怎么玩?攻略有吗 谁能告诉我这首粤语歌曲在哪可以下载? iphone12花屏 淘宝新品标在哪里申请开通? iOS刷机失败,只剩下一个图标怎么办 苹果手机刷机失败,怎么解决 第一代苹果平板电脑刷机失败怎么处理? 苹果手机刷机失败后怎么办 为什么苹果手机用爱思助手刷机失败?
  • 焦点


