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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-04 06:34



热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:07

Hello teachers. My name is XX, 18-year-old .I was a student from XX .I am very happy to come to XX University. I like computer games, pop music, and my favorite singer is XXX. I like shopping,watching TV or playing computer games whem i am free. Of course, I also help to do housework at home. I will take effort to Learning an intersting professional in and make a lot of friends in this university life. Thank you,

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:07

Goodmorning/Goodafternoon teachers:
My name is XX,eighteen years old .I'am a student from XX,and I'm very glad to come to XX college.My interests are computer games,pop music,and my favourite singer is XXX.I would like shoping,watching TV when I have time.Will I always do housework at home.I think I would study hard in this college and make lots friends,thank you all of you!

2.Believe in God.


翻译如下:Step 1: You've got two pieces of sheets. The transparent one is the transfer film (don't throw it away), and the other one is with a drawing on it. You can wipe the film with a soft cloth if it is too sticky.第一步:你手里有两张卡片,透明的一张是转移膜...


结果如下:In the global background of urbanization, urban population increase, because "after 80" rigid increased demand for various reasons caused the prices of rapid growth. High prices have directly affecting the status of "after 80" young people's life. High prices prompted many ...


flexible, a universal type of advertisements. It not only can stimulate consumers to buy the random and can contribute effectively to the planned purchase of the consumer and decisive decision-making,

谁能帮我翻译一下译成英文 谢啦

1这就是他们在找的词典This is the very dictionary they are looking for.2 昨天晚上我给你打电话时你在做什么?What were you doing when I called you last night?3 离开计算机房之前,一定把电源关了 Turn off the power when you leave the computer room.4天她因病未能去上班 She failed...


I will be Monday to Friday noon time to go to the gym, the gym in my office from the close, I would go twice a week, I like to do some yoga and aerobics. There will be three nights a week I go to school, the home is already 10 o'clock. My weekend is very preci...


Only you let my heart Throb,the stop flutter of the heart because of you。Only you let my heart Throb,my heart stops because of you。这个会好一些


The freedom is to do what you want to do;The happiness is to like to do what you like to do.这两句话都是定义式的,做特定名词解释,所以都要用the定冠词特指。有帮助请采纳,不明白可追问,谢谢。


我会活着!For my cake!为我自己 For my dream!为我的梦 Hold my own...坚持我的……I will be your pride !我将会是你的骄傲 Please believe me ,support me, care for me 请相信我、支持我、关爱我 you will see a different me!你将看到一个不同面貌的我 You must remeber"I am a...


Waiting for the day 我等待这这一天 How will we come to reality 我们怎样才能变得现实 Or you\'ll come soon 或者你很快就会到来 I couldn\'t live without you.我的生命不能没有你 Waiting of serene 平静的等待 The moment you say: \"I love you\" 这一瞬你说:我爱你 Take me, my...

初一下册语文29课马地课后题2:文章在描述马的外在特征时,用了许多其... 求八年级上册语文陪练答案29课的 ...网络舆情中心上班的吗?待遇如何,需要上夜班吗,哪位知道请告知_百度... ...会计从业资格证。想继续往上考,是不是要一级一级往上考呢?还是可以... 资格证是不是一级一级的考证,初级-中级-高级? 会计职称一般要考到哪一级呢? 如何封阳台比较好 低楼层封阳台用什么材料好-封阳台什么材料实用便宜 初级中级会计要逐级考吗 ...怎么才能拿到注册会计师的证,是需要一级一级的往上考么?注册会计师... 2017年的英语四级口试是必考的么31 2017年大学英语四级考试必须要考口语吗?55 2017年大学英语四级考试必须要考口语吗?156 口语四级可以带草稿纸和笔吗?19 以别样的美为题写一篇八百字作文4 广西卫视以前有个节目叫 华灯初上 好像过年的时候有一首拜年歌... 以“你的泪光”为题的八百字作文10 “欢欢喜喜过大年”的歌词在那里找? 过新年呀 咚咚咚呛 这首歌叫什么名字 欢欢喜喜过大年 这句歌词是哪首歌里的 还有新年好呀嘛恭喜发财... 以"被忽视的美"为题 八百字作文6 天龙八部几级帮派能有2个副帮主?拜托了各位 谢谢 天龙八部中几级才可以有两个副帮主? 天龙八部帮派里的职务排行? 2017,5月份的四级口语考试我报名成功了,也交钱了,弃考的...12 谁有奇怪的姐姐电影百度云资源。要中文字幕,代价来吧!16 奇怪的姐姐 韩国电影 跪求5 带薪培训什么意思66 奇怪的姐姐百度云链接 谁有<奇怪的姐姐>这个电影的资源啊1 2017年英语四级口语如果不及格,但笔试过了,那么会对四级总...7 谁能帮我翻译一下这个英文?谢谢啦^_^^_^ 请问角鲨烯和鱼油有什么区别?也可以降血脂么?服用需注意什么?6 深海鱼油与角鲨烯有什么区别43 深海鱼油与角鲨烯哪个好?10 以我毕竟走过为题写篇八百字的作文35 以从平凡中发现不平凡为题写一篇八百字作文43 以过客为题的八百字作文11 初三如何从300分考到大逆袭,中考只剩下60多天了?1 急!!!!!“我希望..... ”为主题450字的作文67 资本主义生产国际化有哪些主要表现1 垄断资本主义国际化的表现有哪些,其实质是什么1 垄断资本主义阶段,资本国际化的主要形式是?4 当代资本主义新变化有哪些表现9 资本主义垄断经济的形式和特点是什么?2 自由竞争资本主义阶段,资本国际化的主要形式是()3 奔驰S500 奥迪S8 宝马750LI 哪个好..2 初三学渣,如何300分逆袭600分?距离中考仅有220天了,35 长青春痘代表什么?1620 写一篇关于《我》的作文450字765
  • 焦点


