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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-12 06:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:11

  The little prince
  -----my love forever
  Recent I look at the 'The Little Prince' ... Perry St. Erik floc the letter I have a deep feeling ..
  Between the lines full of children interesting atmosphere, it is an out-and-out philosophy ...
  The story is full of fantasy .. full of the people's dissatisfaction with the intellectual irony ..
  Finally Little Prince on Earth encountered a fiery red fox .. the Beaver ..
  Fox church he friendship, and moved with the truth ...
  He left his own planet, the mouth of the volcano and Rose ..
  To see the power of the king, conceited, just keep counting the businessman, drunkard, geographers ..
  They are a group of strange fool people ..
  Anything he is the only one who feel that normal people,
  Unfortunately, he Swire plate, but not the alternative truth ..

  Big people oneslef always what still at a loss to understand it, to let children to the elderly to explain to explain to them,so tired people --
  [If you know what ... sad, and I especially like to watch the sunset ...
  Flowers did not blame him, which made him very surprised. He stood there, hands held shell at a loss.
  He really do not know how to read this hint of gentleness --
  Little Prince through the desert, only one case of the flowers --
  "Please do my friends, I am very lonely." He said.
  "I am very lonely ... I am very lonely ... I am lonely ..." Echo repeat:
  "Do you hear?" The Little Prince said, "We awakened this well, it is in the singing ..."
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  • 焦点


