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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 16:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 12:02

Newspapers and websides Nowadays,newspapers and websides is bcome the tow ways we get news from the mideam in the mordon world,but there are some differents form them.First of all we can talk about newspapers,all of us know that newspapers is one of way we get news.It's an traditional ways from the mideam,and the news from the it always update everyday.We can always get the infrommation form the newspapers turely.It's convinent to take away and we can get the informations form newspapers we also enjoy whatever the time and wherever we stay.But it only have words and pictures so we can't listen the audios and look the videos for the information we have get to read.The second we can talk about the Websides,it's a new ways we get informations,and the informations have updates faster than newspapers but we get informations all depend on the conputers and the Intrenet.We get the imformation form computers and net contians not only the words and pivtures but also get the audios and videos for the information we get.I'd like to use the computers and net to get the informations,because it convent to read .We use the net to get the informations can portect our enviroment we get to live
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