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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-10 23:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 04:27

People to all sorts of color understanding of general is consistent, but because between different nationalities of geography, history, thinking, the national psychology, religious and other cultural background, the differences of the people to all sorts of color proced lenovo is endless and same.

Thus, each nationality's language contains a lot of color words.

Likewise, Chinese and western two cultures, which makes the differences between Chinese and western people on the methods and means color words is endless and same, to understand and use of the same color is also different.

Can say, chinese-english color words contrast to a certain extent, reflected the differences between Chinese and western culture, and, as the implied meaning of color words, which led to the understanding of the differences in both Chinese and English cross-cultural communication in proced many inevitable misunderstanding and value understanding similarities and differences.

So, the correct understanding and mastering the color words in Chinese and western culture under the different meaning of cross-cultural communication is quite important, also can better understand western culture difference

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 04:27

The understanding of people of the various colors in general are the ofthe same, but between nations as geography, history, thought, national psychology, and religious differences in cultural background, people of various colors proced by different associations. Thus, each nation's language contains a large number of color words. Similarly, in the West there are differences between the two cultures, which makes the color of the Western people that the method and terms vary, of understanding and use of the same color are different. It can be said of the contrast between Chinese and English words to some extent reflects the difference between Chinese and Western cultures, and, understanding the meaning of the color difference between words, resulting in cross-cultural communication in English and Chinese proce a lot of misunderstanding and the value of the inevitable understand the similarities and differences. Therefore, the correct understanding and knowledge of color terms in Chinese and Western cultures of different meaning, on the cross-cultural communication is very important, can also better understand the differences in Western culture

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 04:28

People to all sorts of color understanding of general is consistent, but because between different nationalities of geography, history, thinking, the national psychology, religious and other cultural background, the differences of the people to all sorts of color proced lenovo is endless and same. Thus, each nationality's language contains a lot of color words. Likewise, Chinese and western two cultures, which makes the differences between Chinese and western people on the methods and means color words is endless and same, to understand and use of the same color is also different. Can say, chinese-english color words contrast to a certain extent, reflected the differences between Chinese and western culture, and, as the implied meaning of color words, which led to the understanding of the differences in both Chinese and English cross-cultural communication in proced many inevitable ...

Likewise, Chinese and western two cultures, which makes the differences between Chinese and western people on the methods and means color words is endless and same, to understand and use of the same color is also different.可以说,汉英颜色词的对比在一定程度上反映了中西文化的差异,并且...


except by European have dinner outside, restaurants and characteristics of meal, provide commodity tea night performing activities, PUB, music scene, weekend of fashion culture elements,


We as soon as possible will arrange the production, strictly willrequest the product quality We hope to be able and you long-time,happy cooperation We hope for you to our factory

if u can ,u maybe have a try 什么意思啊?急

if u can ,u maybe have a try 什么意思啊?急 表面意思就是:如果你行,那你就去一试。 用现在流行话来翻译就是:你行你上啊! 望采纳 (小猫)(小狗)类的600字作文!急!!! 小狗的警惕性非同寻常,它有一个特别灵敏的鼻子,能闻到3里以外东西的气息,吃食物时,它总要低下头闻一闻。


Danmark is much closer in distance.The air transport takes only half a day from Danmark to Helsinki Finland or nearby places.The ocean shipping and road or railway transport can be also finished within 2 days.纯手工翻译,你可以比较一下再验收的 谢谢 希望以后有翻译找我啊 ...


that you are someone worth his effort to chase after, something that would pain him to give up on. Please remember, that you have left a heavy imprint on my life that time shall never erace. This is love, and I hope you can understand.希望对你有帮助~天上~注:翻译的时候多...

请大神帮忙翻译一下 英译汉和汉译英

汉译英:1.你既然已经认识到了英语学习中所存在的问题,就应该采取一些有效的措施来应对。(now that)2.尽管遇到了很多障碍和困难,他们也不愿意放弃网络学习。(came across,give up)3.跟平常一样,他一边吃早饭一边听早间新闻报道。(as usual, while)4.如果你提前告诉我,我会到机场接你。(...


for instance, gravity, which explains the free fall of bodies on earth, can also be applied to the movement of the celestial bodies.[i'm more fluent in english, so i'll just say this in english. don't think cliz_yan did a good job in translating either. "xxx believe" ...


首先,欢迎贵公司对我们()的质量部门参观指导 At first warmly welcome your Company visit and advice our quality management department!我们这个质量部成立与2005年,目前为止包括我们的经理李先生在内,我们有4位同事,当然,这四位同事都有着丰富的质量控制和管理方面的经验,随着以后业务和工作量的...


天然水煮猪鬃water-boiled natural bristle 年产量annual production Our factory is specialized in producing water-boiled natural bristle and the annual production of the factory is about one hundred to one hundred fifty thousand kilograms. We make different bristle with black, white and varied...

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