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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 02:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 14:10

Think about logos as symbols for a company. What restaurant uses
the Golden Arches? What athletic shoe uses the check mark shaped
The best ones convey something important about the company
or proct. Airlines want to show safety and convenience. Clothing
companies want to show style, the DKNY logo for designer Donna Karon is a
good example--it's hip and urban--at least to the 30-40 something crowd
not wanting to look matronly.
Now go the other way, think about
companies that want to seem homey and comforting. The restaurant, Golden
Corral, has a name and logo to seem like family dining in a nostalgic
country setting. But once you are inside, the service system and tables
are about as homey as a major, big city bus terminal.
The point of
the logo is a graphic shorthand for the company or proct brand. It's
meant to appeal to a particular demographic--the people they are trying
to sell to--faster than a print ad or video commercial.
Companies put
enormous resources into logos, and good ones (perhaps with a little
tweaking) can be good for decades. Think of the iconic red and silver
Coca Cola cans. That lettering and the wave design underneath have been
part of the brand for nearly 50 years. And even if you aren't close
enough to read the lettering, when you see a red soda can with silver
lettering, you think "Coke." That's a good logo.
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