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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 18:37



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:44

Monkey King is "Journey to the West," the first hero, is a very great hero. He has infinite ability, most scary, with indomitable spirit of resistance. He has great heroes of extraordinary magnanimity, but also like to hear a compliment shortcomings. He was brave and humorous wit a good downtown. The greatest feature is that he dared to struggle. The Jade Emperor and the supreme supreme dare to struggle, Leng was unveiled and shouted out the "Monkey King" and reputation; with the ghosts and goblins dare to struggle, eyes that will never let a demon, Ruyi Jingu Bang no right under the ruthless demons; with all the difficulties dare the Big Dipper, and never retreat to bow their heads. This is the Monkey King, a dazzling hero myth.
Monkey kind of justice, bold, indomitable fighting spirit, superb skills is a monster who's nemesis, swept all the demons of the dauntless spirit, reflecting the people's aspirations and demands. He represented a force for good, showing people's faith in the triumph over all difficulties.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:45

Sun Wukong, the protagonist in "A Journey to the West", is an outstanding hero with unlimited skills (ninjitsu), unyielding mind and determined rebellious spirit. Although borned into an aura of hero, he also likes to listen to compliments.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:45

Monkey King is "Journey to the West," the first hero, is a very great hero. He has infinite ability, most scary, with indomitable spirit of resistance. He has great heroes of extraordinary magnanimity, but also like to hear a compliment shortcomings. He was brave and humorous wit a good downtown. The greatest feature is that he dared to struggle. The Jade Emperor and the supreme supreme dare to struggle, Leng was unveiled and shouted out the "Monkey King" and reputation; with the ghosts and goblins dare to struggle, eyes that will never let a demon, Ruyi Jingu Bang no right under the ruthless demons; with all the difficulties dare the Big Dipper, and never retreat to bow their heads. This is the Monkey King, a dazzling hero myth.
Monkey kind of justice, bold, indomitable fighting spirit, superb skills is a monster who's nemesis, swept all the demons of the dauntless spirit, reflecting the people's aspirations and demands. He represented a force for good, showing people's faith in the triumph over all difficulties. 或Sun Wukong, the protagonist in "A Journey to the West", is an outstanding hero with unlimited skills (ninjitsu), unyielding mind and determined rebellious spirit. Although borned into an aura of hero, he also likes to listen to compliments.
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