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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 00:58



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 12:50

y all ain t ready yet
歌手:mystikal 专辑:mind of mystikal

Man, them niggas can't * with you, man, * them niggas man!

I know, I, I, I know
I know y'all niggaz can't * with me cause I can't
* with my damn self
I know, I know y'all niggaz can't * with me I
I know y'all niggaz...
Ungh, got-damn it took a nigga
thirteen mother*ing years through this shit
bruh, I been rappin since La-Di-Da-Di some *ing where
I know y'all niggaz I know y'all niggaz I know y'all niggaz
Aw shit, it's on nigga

I'm still not that nigga to * with buster, bad for your ho health
I know y'all niggaz can't * with me cause I can't * with my damn self
When Mystikal hits the door (door closing sound)
See can't nobody fly, through the swamp and bayou, like I do
I know y'all niggaz can't * with me and they can't but they try to
Some niggaz just need to be warned
It's gonna be harder to get it up on a my own
nigga go ring the alarm
Matter fact better know what it take
for the back of your head to hit that grass
Let' s get this straight from the jump
I ain't playing with your bitch ass
These outside niggaz that run to the mic better come clean
Fuckin with that Saudi Arabian
Desert Storm veteran 12th ward offspring
I'm runnin these niggaz to the jets
to the hills, to the back of the tracks
A-A-ask them hos, did I do that?
I'm coming boisterous with 5 million switches
I'm the man with single and double and triple
and four five six time them bitches
I'm the nigga with the go head, *in your bitch up in your bed
standin 5 foot 'leven dick crooked like a roach leg
Much bone and I don't fail a test
Little nigga * hos both sides of the river
I can't be *ed with, you can't touch this better grab hold
Bitch I'm so cold I'm like a 24 year-old north pole!
Give a * about these raggly ass hoes
Grippin my nuts as I strut in my baggy ass Girbauds
Makin em stop, (bigidabounce) pause, Like Jubilee All
I'm harder than a nigga watchin' Janet Jackson in draws!
But if ya catch me on the tv, or the radio spell it
M-Y-S-T-I-K-A-L y'all ain't ready though!
[Chorus 2x]

So Mystikal, in your own words could you explain your style?
I gotta get a rhyme that can tumble through the air like a Rambo spear
See y'all can stop lookin at another nigga
face cause bitch the man right here
You nigga didn't think that I could swing mine
Bitch I'm doing bad and saying rhymes at the same time (I ain't lying)
Talking behind my back don't make me no nevermind
Cause all you can say is I'm smarter than Einstein
I'm fire like Cayenne!
You'll never catch me cause I'm swift as a hyena
Gimme the chance I'll rock the lakefront arena
like Teena Marie be rockin Tipitina's (damn Gina)
Tall dark strong long and lean ain't nobody comin cleaner
It's all in the way I lay my game down
But everybody think these niggaz be wantin me
to prove that I'm the man
Bitch I'm colder than a freezer, cooler than a fan
I got no love for no b-i-e-otch
Matter fact's been that way since I was wearin osh kosh b'gosh
But yet y'all steadily trying to squab bout me
When I come in this door the only thing y'all can do is talk about me
Better get some business about yourself that's what you better do
Matter fact I'm a tell you mother *ers three things I'm a never do
One : never gonna change my style
Two: never gonna bounce, three: never gonna bow
I'm gettin tired of being sick and tired
Nigga you got a problem with me gettin' high
Suck big dick and die
Same rhyme phrase get me paid, they can't fade
the tan shade man with the braids
Bitches peep as I creep through the 12th ward
I done offended these niggaz compare me
to niggaz that gotta practice looking hard
Bitch-a won't leave me alone
I'm not that Thug and I'm not that Ruggish but I do pack Bone
Black prince of the south that's my title
Bitch I'm whoo chka ckha oooooww! bad like Michael
I'm throwin rhymes at a steady flow
(Inhaling) whoo there they go y'all niggaz ain't ready yo

Bitch I pimp hos instead of an army petty shit it don't harm me
Bitch I'm entertaining like Cedric and I'm mac like Bernie
I'm black like Menace and I'm g like Slimm
I'm Sporty like T and I'm smooth like Tim
I can click just like the boot camp but I'm conscious like daughter
Bitch I'm insane but um, you still be wantin
to claim that I'm your partner
I'm Down just like Bust plus I'm Ice just like Mike
And I'm the living lyrical miracle I'm just ice like precise
I'm the invisible man you blind you can't see shit
Picture I got more bitches on my dick than bitches at FREAKNIK

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 12:50


这首歌的歌名叫作《爱你》,具体歌词如下:歌曲:爱你 歌手:陈芳语 作词:黄祖荫 作曲:陶山 歌词:我闭上眼睛 贴着你心跳呼吸 而此刻地球 只剩我们而已 你微笑的唇形 总勾着我的心 每一秒初吻 我每一秒都想要吻你 就这样 爱你 爱你 爱你 随时都要一起 我喜欢 爱你 外套 味道 还有你的怀里 ...


歌手:王浩 歌名:幸福港湾 专辑:习惯一个人 发行时间:2004年9月 发行公司:音府乐庄专辑 语种:国语 歌词:早习惯身旁总有你来陪伴 因为你是我的港湾 我就像海面飘的船 累了以后就想要靠岸 你说你喜欢有星星的夜晚 许个愿就没有遗憾 有你为我祈祷而心安 再也不会独守孤单 时间怎么转 你我...

求一首歌的名字 只知道一句歌词 安慰自己 拥抱只是在梦里 是个男的唱...

歌曲:故乡 歌手:西域刀郎 专辑:幸福的d弦 (王洛宾未 曲词:王洛宾 月亮躲在天里 故乡你在梦里 你在我梦里 弯弯的小河 你像多情的少女 湾湾的小河 还在我的故乡里 啊啊故乡 啊啊故乡 以往我在梦里 梦里也在思念你 以往我在梦里 梦里也在思念你 求一首歌的名字,只知道一句歌词 歌曲:dream 歌手:元卫觉醒 ...


rap 的歌词:Hey,听着 我想要引起注意 就好像病毒瘟疫 是的没错 我买不起绿源电车 一不小心还会挂科 天天大话胡扯 活得就像loser 但是 我将要拿起笔 手枪准心瞄准你 脑袋高烧像小米 向着传统竖中指 谁说 九零一代堕落代名词 谁说 建工学生一定扛水泥 路要自己走 别害怕发抖 勇敢举手 大胆发言 人生...

求一首歌曲的名字。是一个女生唱的,只有部分歌词(不是连续的)_百度知 ...

歌曲:pretty baby 歌手:pal pretty baby 离开你的第一秒起 我已感觉到孤寂 没有了你我该 怎么走下去 怎么可以轻易放弃 和你拥抱的甜蜜 就算再大的雨 也要抱着你 我看着 你的照片你的笑脸 已经让我无法呼吸 我会珍惜这样的天气 从此 我的心跳我的拥抱 都跟随你每分每秒 一起享受相爱的味道 ...


we don't wanna make it without you——Beyond的歌,全曲只有两句台词 WE DON'T WANNA MAKE IT WITHOUT YOU DON'T WANNA MAKE IT WITHOUT YOU(其实两句只差一个词)concerto pour deux voix天使之声协奏曲,两个童声吟唱 Ave Maria 圣母颂—Libera,这是一首颂歌,全曲反复吟唱Ave Maria ~其他...


作词:姚谦 作曲:中岛美雪 编曲:屠颖 请允许我尘埃落定 用沉默埋葬了过去 满身风雨我从海上来 才隐居在这沙漠里 该隐瞒的事总清晰 千言万语只能无语 爱是天时地利的迷信 喔 原来你也在这里 啊 哪一个人 是不是只存在梦境里 为什么我用尽全身力气 却换来半生回忆 若不是你渴望眼睛 若不是我救赎...


歌曲:父亲 词曲:筷子兄弟 演唱:筷子兄弟 歌词 总是向你索取 却不曾说谢谢你 直到长大以后 才懂得你不容易 每次离开总是 装作轻松的样子 微笑着说回去吧 转身泪湿眼底 多想和从前一样 牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁 托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧 不要再让你变老了 我愿用我一切 换你岁月...


说起来,是不是有一点点怪。身边很多女孩,漂亮可爱,却不爱。只是你的眼神让我无法再闪躲。baby Im just miss you i need you tonight。天天想你好几遍,无法完成的思念。我真的不知道该怎么爱。如果你也有想念,请你靠我近一点。shawty,never say goodbye。是我的想法太简单,是你的需要太温暖。


Those feelings that, I never that I'd have Cause everything you felt is never coming back My heart's alone out there I wanna tell you but I'm too damn scared Guess there's no return Another lesson learned And I'm so so tired You use to look at no one else (I'm ...

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