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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 17:06



热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 13:28

1.All of this?/Will you buy all of these?
2.It can not be tilted for a long time,or it will be out of shape and couldn't recover.
3.Gentleman/madam,wait a minute,I have to make out an small ticket,you can take this tiket to check out first at the checkout counter,then come to get it back,I will package it for you.
4.If it is too heavy for you to carry ,you can put it down here,then to purchase other things as you like.
5.Is there any valuables in it?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 13:28

1. Do you want all of these things? / Will you buy all of these things?
2. This can't lean for a long time, or else, it will be deformed and can't recover.
3. Sir / Madam, wait a moment, please. I'll write a receipt. You can pay at the checkout counter with the receipt, and then come back to take it. I'll pack them.
4. If it's too weight, you can leave it here and have a look around to choose.
5. Are there any valuables inside?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 13:29

1 Do you want all ?
Is there anything exclusive of your list?
2 Please don't tilt it long ,or it will get out of shape.
3 Just a minute,sir/Madame.I'll open the
receipt.Please go to the cashier with the receipt,then come back and get your shopping.I'm going to pack it.
4 If you find your shopping too heavy, just keep it here,then you can go on with your shopping.
5 Do you have anything precious to declare?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 13:29

1. Do you want all of this?/ Is that all?
2.Please don't keep this leaning for long , it'll be out of shape permanently.
3. Sir/madam, please wait for a moment, I'll go get a reciet. Please take your receit to the checking counter and then come back. I'll pack them.
4. You are welcome to leave it here if it's heavy and then continue your shopping.
5. Is there any valuable belongings inside?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 13:30

1. All this? / these all buy?
2. This not long sloping, deformation, will never recover.
3. Sir/madam, please wait a moment, I want to open a small, you take first slip to the cashier's desk, and then come back to take, I'll keep their packaging once.
4. If too heavy words, you can have put here, and then browse through the choose and buy.
5. Have inside the valuables?
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