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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 01:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 00:08



(1)题目的第一个单词的第一个字母必须大写。从第二个单词起,其中每个实义词的第一个字母大写,而冠词、介词和连词等虚词的第一个字母则一般小写。这种写法比较正规。如:A Day to Remember;Let’s Go in for Sports,The Importance of Creativity and Independent Thinking.

(2)题目的另一种写法是所有单词的第一个字母全部用大写。如:My Life As Factory WorkerA Walk Under The Rain.

(3)有时我们也会看到只有第一个单词的首字母大写的标题。如: Afghan schools try to survive under attacksClimate change: youth see their future in the balance.


大小写 (1)题目的第一个单词的第一个字母必须大写。从第二个单词起,其中每个实义词的第一个字母大写,而冠词、介词和连词等虚词的第一个字母则一般小写。这种写法比较正规。如:A Day to Remember;Let’s Go in for Sports,The Importance of Creativity and Independent Thinking.(2)题目的另...


大家好。欢迎来到我的博客。关于我的 我叫安娜。我来自德国。我11了.我又高又瘦。我有长头发。我和我的家人住在一所房子靠近一些山脉。我的妈妈是美术老师。我的爸爸是一个医生。我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。关于我的学校和我的爱好 每一天,我坐公车去学校。我最喜欢的科目是数学,科学和艺术。我喜...


Nowadays our school "school website, everyone has the home page" is being carried out like a raging fire, teachers and parents of students into homogeneous. Education City primary schoolalmost everyone has a blog, the teacher assigned homework is also published in the blog, much mor...


Today, it seems that everybody has a blog. I have one of course, and my parents, even my grandparents all have their own blogs. Since the Internet is much more easily to access, blogs are becoming more and more popular around us.Why do people like blogs so much? In my o...


Nowadays, blog is very familiar to most people and is used very widely.If you are a student, it's strongly encouraged to try it, especially when you are free, you can write something as you like to practise your writing ability.As for those working in offices, it's good ...

有关博客的英语作文 120字左右就可以啦。不用很深刻。

also a double-edged sword. It might be used by some people who have ulterior motives to spread rumors or to slander other people. So blogs need to be well monitored. As long as the correlated authorities properly manage the blog, it can play a brilliant role in our society.

我的博客 英语作文

Blog undeniably wields numerous merits.It in the first place serves as an effective means of communication,through which blog users are able to vent their spleens and share their various feelings with each other.Secondly,blog proves to be a terrific platform.for learning.By updating ...


blog, so that less time learning I think that the blog on the one hand allows students to share their knowledge, which helps to improve academic performance. On the other hand, students can addicted to blog.All in all, the blog is a good thing, but it depends on how ...

求一篇英语作文My view about blog(150字 1.开篇2.博客的作用3.我的...

On television, people can watch Olympic games, they can visit well-known scenic(风景优美的) spots, and they can also enjoy a movie with a cup of coffee in their hands. From TV, people are informed about many things happening in the world, and people who live in different ...


Books, the brought me a vast a colorful world. Love of books I would like a stream of tender small streams, pooling up many glittering fountain and dew.Everyone has their own preferences. Someone like sports, somebody travels -- character is differ, hobbies are different. In ...

一战后到二战前的德国是什么样子的大神们帮帮忙 德国现今的政治制度是什么?皇帝是否还存在?若存在,则皇帝在德国的地位如... 为什么觉得这石敢当怎么看起来故事情节和《西游记后传》一模一样呢... 在浙江考过的一级市政建造师到湖北省可以考B吗?可以在湖北省考造价工程... A省某单位职工在B省报名一级建造师考试,请问领证在哪领,考试呢 一级建造师考试A省老考生在下一年去B省考还用再进行审核吗? 前段时间在电视上看到一部电视剧,不知道叫什么名字,剧情是,玉皇大帝让... ...的团团转,任她摆布,几乎什么都听她的。我又 有个很聪明狡猾有心机总是害我对我不好的后妈 我该怎么反击,心里... 梦见一家人在吃饭,老公的旁边多出一个女人,还搂着我老公,亲我老公,老 ... ...女主刚开始一直喜欢她的青梅竹马,后来在大学遇到男主,男主先认识... 价值属于可行性还是必要性 价值是由效用决定还是由劳动决定? 以online chat rooms写一篇英语博客? 价值观的前提是不是效用? 哲学上的价值是指什么哲学上的价值是指什么,它具有哪些基本特性_百度... 和女朋友出去玩,不让牵手怎么办? 闽江学院在编教师工资 无氧训练压力4.6好不好呢? 福州中学行政岗位工资待遇 摩托艇雅马哈760多少马力 美元会涨到8块吗? 描写父爱的诗句或片段 最好有作者 词语填空哭了一什么 哭了一( )(填量词) 一起哭了 是什么歌里的 他在我心中的好印象_作文400字 急急急 跳转tab页后,定位到首行 三个黑人在树上唱歌《猜一汉字》? 一个人站在树上唱歌。打一植物名 假如你在网上建了一个英文博客,请根据下面的提示内容,发表一篇80词左右... 女朋友不让拉手怎么办? 女朋友不让我牵手 女朋友不让我拉她手,咋办/// 圆柱的表面积六年级上册的应用题带答案10道? 天顶山滑雪场2020-2021年门票价格及开放时间 耒阳市白云路邮政银行叫什么支行 天涯明月刀副本仇恨机制介绍 副本仇恨怎么控 相处一年了女朋友还不让我牵手怎么办? 奇瑞qq换火花塞用多大的套筒 玉树怎么养会开花 拼多多招商运营专家级别高吗 中国邮政储蓄银行股份有限公司耒阳市蓝天营业所怎么样? 小学一年级写句子训练 14款FZR摩托艇怎么样 长春市办理燃气经营企业增设经营场所的审查同意(初审)需要什么材料?_百... 雅马哈游艇发动机60马力对比80马力有什么区别? 金美邮政储蓄银行在那个地方 王牌部队男主角是谁 一建公路实务哪个老师讲的比较好
  • 焦点


