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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-02 00:49



热心网友 时间:2023-07-10 03:07

How to Learn English Well?
Some people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can't learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English words and phrases as possible.
In my opinion, grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not enough. Fox example, some of my classmates are quite good at grammar and have learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases, yet they can't express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends.
The best way to learn English well, I think, is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of being laughed at. We'd better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.
Only in this way that I suggest, can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way.追问有没有短一点的 是小作文

热心网友 时间:2023-07-10 03:08

With the development of the society, English has become more and more important in our daily life. So many students spend more and more time in learning English. But they may have met some difficulties, for example, they find listening is too difficult to improve. Now, I will give you some suggestions:
First, you should practice listening as much as possible. It is said that practice makes perfect. You can listen to the radio, such as BBC, VOA and so on. Each time, you needn't practice for a long time.
Second, you should choose some fancinating materials which you are interested in, so you wouldn't feel bored when you are practising.
Third, you'd better choose the tapes which are not too difficult, you can add the difficulties day by day.
In one word, if you can stick to practise listening everyday, I think your listening ability will improve quickly.
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