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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 14:22

  One Hundred Years of Solitude
  Hailed as "the history of social reproction in Latin America Part hung a picture of the masterpiece" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", is Garcia Marquez's masterpiece, but also the Latin American magic realism literary masterpiece. Complex content, the characters are many bizarre plot twists and turns, along with fairy tales, religious stories, folklore, and writers from the original point of view the future of the new flashback memories of the past practices so dazzling. The end of the century in 1830 from the first 70 years, scores of Colombia's civil war had erupted, so that hundreds of thousands of people were killed. The book went to great lengths to describe the facts in this regard, and through the book, the heroine of his legendary focus on China. The hypocrisy of politicians, rulers of the cruel, blind obedience and ignorant people have written and so thoroughly. Writer to vivid strokes, vivid portrait of the character of many characters, describes the loneliness of the spirit of the family. In this family, between husband and wife, between father and son, between mother and daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although many people had to break the loneliness of exploring a variety of hard, but can not find an effective way to unify the scattered forces, and finally all ended in failure. This is not only filled with loneliness and Asia in the Boone family and more than the town of Macon, and the infiltration of the narrow-minded thinking, become an obstacle to national progress, national progress, a great burden.
  Writers to write this, is to unite the people of Latin America to work together out of loneliness. Therefore, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" steeped in the loneliness of the main connotation of suffering should be the whole of Latin America have been excluded in the process of the modern civilized world outside of resentment and protest, is an author of nearly a hundred years the history of Latin America, as well as the people of this continent's unique vitality, survival, and imagination to the formation of a unique study of stubborn self-confidence.
  Finally, it is noteworthy that the history of the book dignified the connotation of sharp criticism of vision, profound self-examination of national culture, the myth of massive metaphor system by a fresh it always runs through the mystery of language. Some critics believe that the novel comes from the mouth of 8-year-old children, Garcia Marquez said this was not too pleased. This is a profound eyes judge. Because such an intuitive, simple and effective language to reflect a new perspective, a backward nation (human child) of self-consciousness. The parties to replace the bitter tears of the spectators, "fool" feel the pains of self-expression to replace the "wise man" looks like a fair criticism and analysis, but also those who received a raise was to fool the objective groups in the effect of deep introspection.
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