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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 00:53



热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 12:25

On the outskirts of Moscow in the evening

热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 12:25

Moscow Nights (M. Matusovskii and V. Solovyov-Sedoi)

Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound

Softly shines the moon clear and bright.

Dear, if you could know how I treasure so

The most beautiful Moscow night.

Dear, if you could know how I treasure so

The most beautiful Moscow night.

Lazily the brook, like a silv’ry stream

Ripples gently in the moonlight,

And a song afar fades as in a dream,

In the spell o this summer hight.

And a song afar fades as in a dream,

In the spell o this summer hight.

Dearest, why so sad, why the dpwncast eyes,

And your lovely head bent so low?

Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak

Of the longing my heart does know.

Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak

Of the longing my heart does know.

Promise me, my love,as the dawn appear

And the darkness turns into light,

That your’ll cherish,dear,thru the passing years

This most beautiful Moscow night.

That your’ll cherish,dear,thru the passing years

This most beautiful Moscow night.

Evenings Near Moscow

Not even a whisper is to be heard in the garden,
Everything has calmed down until dawn.
If you only knew how dear they are to me,
The evenings near Moscow!

The river is moving and (sometimes) not,
All made of the moons silver.
A song sounds and is not to be heard
In those quiet evenings.

Why do you, darling, look at me from the side,
Bending your head so low?
It is not easy to tell
All the things that are in my heart.

And dawn is getting more and more visible.
So, please, be so kind:
You, also, don´t forget
These summer evenings near Moscow.


Not even a rustle can be heard in the garden,
Everything has grown quiet till morning.
If only you knew how dear to me
Are these evenings around Moscow!
If only you knew how dear to me
Are these evenings around Moscow!

The brook first moves, then becomes still,
All in moonlit silver.
Singing first is heard, then falls still
On these peaceful evenings.
Singing first is heard, then falls still
On these peaceful evenings.

Why, darling, are you looking at me askew,
Leaning your head low?
It’s hard to express, but not express,
Everything that’s on my mind.
It’s hard to express, but not express,
Everything that’s on my mind.

But daylight is already quite visible,
So please be good.
Don’t you forget these summer
Nights around Moscow either.
Don’t you forget these summer
Nights around Moscow either.
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