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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-15 09:25




This story is about a woman, who is staying in the waiting room in the airport, goes to a store and starts to read in it. Also, she buys some crackers to eat. When she is reading, she finds out there is a man who keeps taking her cracker to eat. She feels so angry...

...帮忙翻译一下下面的句子,汉译英,不要机器翻译的,帮忙翻译准确点,在 ...

4.It requires great courage to bungee jumping.5.Henry suddenly thought of an excellent idea.希望你能赶的上吧,我的翻译绝对正确.


If there is an afterlife, and I want to be your sister.One was born I can see you,From the moment of birth, you are doomed to coax me through this life,Born from the time, you are doomed to take my hand through this life.If there is an afterlife, and I want to be...


Everything we have in human resources, human resources are the first precious resource. Continuously improve the human resource development and management level, not only is the current economic development, enhance the market competitiveness needs, but also a country, a nation, a region,...

请高手帮我修改一下下面的英语翻译。 语法正确,大意对即可,不必一个词...

4.时态不对,将leave改成left,study是及物动词,将of 去掉,knowledge是不可数名词,将s去掉 5。英语里如果用although表示“虽然”,那么不可以在后面加“but”,所以将but去掉,既然是“自己的努力”就没必要加their了,将之去掉 6。Currently I am available daily work more busy, and did not ...


bright color of the fruit, crystal beauty, nutrition is very rich, the fruit is rich in sugar, protein, vitamins and calcium, iron, phosphorus, Qixia cherry. Potassium and other elements, thus known as" treasures in the fruit"希望对你有帮助,嘻嘻,望采纳 参考资料:自己翻译 ...

哪位英语高手愿意帮忙翻译一下下面这句话,中译英的 谢谢啦

help fill in the budget gap for the absents,and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help yourself to make it,any food invoice can work)If any, please let me know freely....




using a variety of advantageous way of raising money. Reasonable financing way not only causes the enterprise to obtain the full development of the material basis, at the same time from had the huge debt pressure, this article from the enterprise financing overview, the enterprise fina...


After a cup of ice coffee, it is time for next arrangement.Now a day, people travel by trains, taxis and cars which make transportation just lke snapping fingers. Personally, I like to take double-decker bus during off-peak hours. The wing slowly breezes through my face and ...

迪奥520属于什么颜色 中航飞机起落架有限责任公司 中航飞机起落架燎原分公司有哪些机械? 各机械分别都加工些什么零件? 陕西汉中城固燎原起落架公司怎么样?我是学数控的想进,该怎么办? 中航飞机起落架燎原分公司职工待遇怎么样 ...第一天上班,没有签劳动合同。是挂靠的物流公司,老板不? ...厂里入了货物险,可物流公司却叫我赔偿,说保险是厂里入 离婚的原因有哪些呢 导致离婚的十大原因分别是什么? 离婚的五大原因? 电脑中了木马杀不完 桂木为什么贵 桂花树的木材值钱吗 开门惊喜多多,美食多多,美女多多,欢迎大家前来应该接什么? 梦见裤子叉了的预兆 杭州汽车年检费用多少钱? 交不起8毛钱学费叫什么电视剧 梦幻西游手游先点修还是先打宝石还是先建房子 《猪猪侠之终极决战》高清资源谁有,求分享 黑水白山是谁的词? 新秀丽 德基广场怎么样 新街口德基广场里面消费贵吗,变形金刚多少元一个高手说 合球的场地 天猫超市品牌新客福袋是真的吗 头发过年时弄过发尾微卷,现在毛燥的不得了,是不是把那些枯死的发尾剪... 史记》是一本怎样的书?用最简单的一句话概括... 头发发梢干枯影响发根的生长吗? 头发发尾干枯打结会影响长长吗? 发尾枯燥会不会影响头发长长? 如果发尾枯糙 会影响头发的生长吗 洛阳市西工区苹果官方授权店有哪些 木炎集团合法吗 父亲欠款但是没有欠条,父亲过世后他人逼儿子签欠条是否有法律责任? 欠债人死亡债谁来还 深圳锅贴好吃 包旺锅贴好吃吗 合肥好吃锅贴 济南锅贴哪家好吃 在家具厂工作对人体有多大伤害,请哪位告诉我? 梦见请求是什么征兆 梦见请求陌生人原谅是什么预兆? 著名诗人艾青为歌颂新疆建设者们所作的诗歌是什么? 新电视剧神马兄弟里面的主演叫什么名字 歌词天蓝蓝水蓝蓝是哪首歌 歌词中有天蓝蓝水蓝蓝水蓝蓝天蓝蓝黄河水美无边 歌词天蓝蓝水蓝蓝是唱海军的叫什么歌名 怎样在CAD中画出直线中线? 化疗8次CA125又上升了 CA125 上个月22.7,现在28怎么办呢? 什么事都要考虑后果 怎么回答
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