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andy stochansky的《Hymn》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-13 22:02



热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 06:10

歌手:andy stochansky
专辑:Five Star Motel

song by Lunatica
Give us this day all that you showed me
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give us this day all that you showed me,
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes
And they said that in our time,
All that's good will fall from grace
Even saints would turn their face,
In our time
And they told us that in our days,
Different words said in different ways,
Have other meaning from he who says,
In our time.
Give us this day all that you showed me,
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes
And they said that in our time,
We would reap from their legacy,
We would learn from what they had seen,
In our time.
And they told us that in our days,
We would know what was high on high,
We would follow and not defy,
In our time.
Give us this day all that you showed me,
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes
Give us this day all that you showed me,
Give us this day all that you showed me,
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes
Give us this day all that you showed me,
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come
Give me all the story book told me,
The faith and the glory 'til thy kingdom comes

andy stochansky的《Hymn》 歌词

歌手:andy stochansky 专辑:Five Star Motel Hymn song by Lunatica Give us this day all that you showed me The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom come Give me all the story book told...


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  • 焦点


