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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:10

1. As a matter of a person very grateful
2. Teach someone new skills and knowledge-sharing
3. Through contributions to ORBIS to support our work
4. On the plane to 150 surgery patients
5. In many poor countries
6. Do a lot of support work
7. Buy the book from the
8. Interviewed a flying eye hospital


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:11

1.be grateful to sb
2.teach sb new skills and share knowledge
3.support our works by donating money to ORBIS
4.do 150 operations on patiens on the plane
5.in many poor countries
6.do many support work
7.affort books
8.invite a flying eye hospit


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:11

1. As a matter of a person very grateful
2. Teach someone new skills and knowledge-sharing
3. Through contributions to ORBIS to support our work
4. On the plane to 150 surgery patients
5. In many poor countries
6. Do a lot of support work
7. Buy the book from the
8. Interviewed a flying eye hospital

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:12

. As a matter of a person very grateful
2. Teach someone new skills and knowledge-sharing
3. Through contributions to ORBIS to support our work
4. On the plane to 150 surgery patients
5. In many poor countries
6. Do a lot of support work
7. Buy the book from the
8. Interviewed a flying eye hospital


1. As a matter of a person very grateful 2. Teach someone new skills and knowledge-sharing 3. Through contributions to ORBIS to support our work 4. On the plane to 150 surgery patients 5. In many poor countries 6. Do a lot of support work 7. Buy the book from the 8. ...


it is 表示现在,sice就是自从,was 表示过去了:现在已经五个月了,自从过去我们的老板在北京!由于是过去在北京,那现在呢?因而意议为我们老板离开北京有五个月了!这种说法我也觉得比较牵强,过应该是这样解释的!


火鸡 turkey 火箭 rocket 火奴鲁鲁 Honolulu 伙伴,搭档 partner 或者;否则 or 货物 load 获胜者 winner 饥饿的 hungry 机会 chance 机器 machine 机器人 robot 机械的 mechanical 鸡,鸡肉 chicken 鸡蛋,蛋 egg 积极的 active 激光唱片 CD 吉普车 jeep 极地 polar region 疾病 disease 几乎 almost 几乎...


Now let me tell you an English story...


3、I can't afford this expensive car.(afford to buy 太累赘了,afford就是买得起的意思)4、These books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room.用被动语态好一些,这里的“你”是泛指所有人。5、As a rule,people say hello in Britain when they meet.as a rule就是通常...


Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends:Today, have the opportunity to attend the Boao forum for Asia 2004, I feel very happy. First of all, I represent the Chinese government, to the guests, a warm welcome!In recent years, in the Asian countries and the support of ...


引导语:下面是我整理的关于英语中级口语当中三十个实用英语口语,大家快快get起来!把口语练得溜溜哒,1 There's not much to it.There's not much to it:很容易,没什么难的。通常在讲解如何操作某种东西时使用。You just flip that switch and wait. There's not much to it.只要拨一下开关...

十分简单的10个英语句子,比如:你好 之类的

Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你。I’ve heard a lot about you.我听说过许多关于你的事情。/ 久仰大名。Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。Let’s call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧。You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了。I’m Looking Forward to It. 我期待...

一句简单的英语翻译 你在的地方是我的梦 Where YOU are is my dream...

这么翻译其实并不准确,也失去了原有的美感。中文的意思其实是你所在的地方就是我梦寐以求的地方。对应的翻译应该是 My dreamed place is the place where you are at/in .


Sometimes happiness is so simple, just like holding the two's hands.求采纳么么哒

就读华南师范大学网络教育学院需要中专毕业吗 皮蛋肉粥的做法和配方 ...读华南师范大学的网络教育,但不知道在哪报名?学校有报名点吗?_百度... 银行装etc有什么套路 瑞达时代公司简介 ...计算数学题时,把减数24错写成44,算出差是30,这道题的正确是多少? ...把减数132看成了123,结果算出的差是239,这道题的被减数是()。_百度... ...把减数269看成296算出的结果足543这道算试正确的结果是怎样算_百度... ...做一道减法题时,把减数23看成32,结果是46,这道题的被减数是多少? 灵魂独立于生命而存在,生命可以感知它的存在。到底灵魂是一个什么概念... 英语skill是什么意思 英语翻译:现在越来越多的人开始相信学习新的技术和知识能直接帮助他们获得工作机会或提升机会。 whyweneednewskils课文翻译 68 find, new skills,you,i,do, o lenrn, learn the new skills与 learn new skills有什么区别啊!?那个是对的啊!? 吃鸡神器怎么这么多毛病? 手机用吃鸡神器按键失灵 吃鸡神器上面少了一个触摸屏幕的怎么办 买了个吃鸡神器,发现只要手不碰屏幕它就能用,一碰屏幕就失灵了,意思是无法一边移动一边开*,怎么解决 吃鸡神器掉水里了怎么办? 吃鸡神器掉水里,然后失灵了怎么办? 电容的吃鸡神器可以用水洗吗? 班主任毕业评价 怎么设置让电脑还有10G的时候提示一下 怎么把电脑设置得和网吧一样重启自动还原 怎么设置才能让电脑以后再也不会自动系统还原? 怎么让电脑边恢复出厂设置win7 怎么能让电脑所有的设置都恢复成出厂设置? 电脑怎么样设置还原点,要最详细的,让电脑盲能看懂的 怎样让电脑恢复出厂设置 英语高手帮忙翻译下 求帮忙翻译一些英文 请帮我翻译一段英文: 谁帮我翻译一下这篇文章(2),谢谢~ 怎么翻译,谢谢 寻问英语四级作文 what new skill would you like to learn?的托福口语答案 请准确翻一下这篇文章 求一篇主题是成功励志的英语演讲稿 短篇的就好了 200个字吧 developnewskills翻译英文什么意思 安卓手机截图神器为什么会闪退? windows免费 无广告截屏神器,轻松搞定截屏、打马赛克、图片贴屏 怎样用截图神器FastStone Capture在图片上添加文字 三星g3508w截屏神器 苹果手机截图神器软件发其它,打字都可以,发图闪退是怎么回事? oppor9s手机的录屏功能在哪里呢请好心网友们指指点点哦⊙∀⊙! 国产安卓手机蓝晨蜂王,机器型号:JC-S9220 ROOT或刷机 靠谱助手无尽神器截图在电脑哪个文件夹 安卓4.04 htc g11 截屏问题 求高手 欧洲天然气期货开始大跌了,谁将会在这场暴跌中成为赢家?
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