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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 07:21



热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:36

Myself disposition amiable, warm natural; Works steadfastly, is responsible earnestly, learning capability greatly strengthened, has the good compatibility, can coordinate the team to complete each work splendidly.
Commercial English, foreign trade letters and telegrams, foreign trade English writing, international commercial English spoken language, international trade theory and practice, international finance, enterprise accountant, international market marketing study, world market quotation.
Repairs system each kind of commerce Shan Zheng; Foreign trade letters and telegrams writing; Commercial English foundation spoken language exchange.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:36


I am a quite easy going person, responsible, fast learner, adapts very well easily, and an excellent team player to accomplish team goals.


Commercial English, international correspondences and writings, International practical English, International Commerce Theory and Practices, International finance, Company Accounting, International Market Marketing, International trade analysis.


Good at drawing all sorts of commercial receipts, writing ups of international correspondences, international fundamental practical English

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:37

I am easy-going personality, a warm generous; practical work, a serious and responsible, learning ability, good adaptability, in line with the excellent team to complete the work.
Business English, letters and telegrams of foreign trade, foreign trade English writing and oral English international business, international trade theory and practice, international finance, corporate accounting, international marketing, the world market.
Drawing-up of a variety of business documents; writing letters and telegrams of foreign trade; Business English spoken exchange basis.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:38


热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:36

Myself disposition amiable, warm natural; Works steadfastly, is responsible earnestly, learning capability greatly strengthened, has the good compatibility, can coordinate the team to complete each work splendidly.
Commercial English, foreign trade letters and telegrams, foreign trade English writing, international commercial English spoken language, international trade theory and practice, international finance, enterprise accountant, international market marketing study, world market quotation.
Repairs system each kind of commerce Shan Zheng; Foreign trade letters and telegrams writing; Commercial English foundation spoken language exchange.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:37


I am a quite easy going person, responsible, fast learner, adapts very well easily, and an excellent team player to accomplish team goals.


Commercial English, international correspondences and writings, International practical English, International Commerce Theory and Practices, International finance, Company Accounting, International Market Marketing, International trade analysis.


Good at drawing all sorts of commercial receipts, writing ups of international correspondences, international fundamental practical English

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:37

I am easy-going personality, a warm generous; practical work, a serious and responsible, learning ability, good adaptability, in line with the excellent team to complete the work.
Business English, letters and telegrams of foreign trade, foreign trade English writing and oral English international business, international trade theory and practice, international finance, corporate accounting, international marketing, the world market.
Drawing-up of a variety of business documents; writing letters and telegrams of foreign trade; Business English spoken exchange basis.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:38


热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:36

Myself disposition amiable, warm natural; Works steadfastly, is responsible earnestly, learning capability greatly strengthened, has the good compatibility, can coordinate the team to complete each work splendidly.
Commercial English, foreign trade letters and telegrams, foreign trade English writing, international commercial English spoken language, international trade theory and practice, international finance, enterprise accountant, international market marketing study, world market quotation.
Repairs system each kind of commerce Shan Zheng; Foreign trade letters and telegrams writing; Commercial English foundation spoken language exchange.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:37


I am a quite easy going person, responsible, fast learner, adapts very well easily, and an excellent team player to accomplish team goals.


Commercial English, international correspondences and writings, International practical English, International Commerce Theory and Practices, International finance, Company Accounting, International Market Marketing, International trade analysis.


Good at drawing all sorts of commercial receipts, writing ups of international correspondences, international fundamental practical English

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:37

I am easy-going personality, a warm generous; practical work, a serious and responsible, learning ability, good adaptability, in line with the excellent team to complete the work.
Business English, letters and telegrams of foreign trade, foreign trade English writing and oral English international business, international trade theory and practice, international finance, corporate accounting, international marketing, the world market.
Drawing-up of a variety of business documents; writing letters and telegrams of foreign trade; Business English spoken exchange basis.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-27 11:38

单模1310nm和1550nm区别在哪 涉案70张信用卡的妨害信用卡管理罪量刑原则 刑法的妨害信用卡管理罪的量刑标准是什么 刑法对于妨害信用卡管理罪的量刑标准是什么 妨碍信用卡管理罪一般要怎么判 中国刑法中妨害信用卡管理罪如何量刑? 妨碍信用卡管理罪一般怎样判 浙江林学院农业与食品科学学院概况 北京农学院食品科学学院学院简介 山东农业大学食品科学与工程学院师资队伍 请帮忙翻译句子,先谢了! 英语帮忙翻译一下句子哈~!先在这里说声谢谢了! ...兔丝子,车前子,肉丛容,枸杞子。锁阳,何首乌搭配泡酒有那些功效... 液晶大屏拼接墙 办理身份证什么时间可以办理 如何给审查调查对象过好主题党日 支付宝怎么买车险最划算和最实用 心里好难过的句子伤感 被人盗了,并注销了,还能找回来吗? ...的花呗里面的钱花呗的钱不翼而飞被消费出去七八千块钱这是怎么... 没在支付宝花呗消费,怎么在我卡里扣钱了 请教各位大日本大正三年和大日本明治十八年二十八年二十九年的银元各能... 日本明治三年十钱银币值多少钱 2022苏州寒山寺跨年敲钟怎么买票及购票入口 请问大日本明治三年十钱 能值多少钱啊 金丝肉松饼(一款口感绝佳的肉类小吃) 贷款现在需要一次性提前还清吗 和女同事总吵架因工作事,可又喜欢她怎么办? 今天和一个女同事吵了一架,大大的舒心了一次,但也很烦恼,怎么办?_百度... 和女同事吵架啦,她不理我,我也不敢和她说话,怕她烦,晚上下班还是照样送... 翻译下句子哈,谢谢! 翻译句子!!谢~ 翻译句子? 帮一下 谢了 求翻译下面的句子 感谢了!!! 只要消费就要索要发票这样既支持什么防止商家偷税漏税 怎么设置word文本段落行间距? 舌头呈紫色,好像淤血点 微信联系人怎么导入通讯录 信道是什么 五谷丰登可以贴厨房吗 梦见学校到处很多东西都坏了的预兆 梦见在一个新的学校环境的预兆 徐州到苏州开车几个小时 以前的怎么登录? 同一身份证两个手机注册两个一个不能用零钱转帐 同一身份证两个手机注册两个一个不能用零钱转帐? 一张身份证绑定两个一个能用零钱支付一个不能用怎么回事? 同一张身份证绑定的两个,有一个显示零钱支付超过10万被限制了... 关键路径是最长的还是最短的 为什么我同一身份名下的两个 一个零钱支付限额了另一个却没...
  • 焦点


