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英语对话 和朋友谈论工作

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:20

Linda - Hello Philip. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

Philip - Very well, thank you. And you Linda?

Linda - Not too bad, considering that I’m going to be fifty-five next March. Your sister told me you’ve got a new job. So, what do you do now?

Philip - I work in the fabrics division of a large chemical company.

Linda - That sounds very interesting.
Philip - Yes, it’s really a very exciting job. At the moment we are developing a new fibre.

Linda - Really? Well you’ve always been clever. I knew you’d do something very interesting. Do you have to travel around?

Philip - Not really, I work in the lab most of the time. But I sometimes go to the US.

Linda - Well Philip, you must come and see me sometime and tell me all about it over a cup of tea.

Philip - I certainly will.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:21

A: hello~john,i heard you have got a nice job?

B: yes,but not that nice!Just a better one.

A: Oh,i see.Your old job is really bad,too much overtime working but lillte pay.

B: That is it,so i think it is time for a change!

A: How about the working time now?

B: 8 hours per day! And the boss promised he would pay any overtime working!

A: Wow,sonds not bad!Is the company location near your home?

B: 10M bus away from my house.

A: It is so convenient! Good for you!I hope you can do better for your new job!

B: Thanks,I will.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:21

Alice: Tom, did you find a job for the summer yet?
Tom: Actually, I've found a couple of them, Alice.
I just have to decide which one to take.
Alice: Really? Good for you!
Tom: Yeah. My cousin owns a summer camp, and he said I could
spemd the summer working as a lifeguard for him.
Alice: Great! what else?
Tom: I'm also thinking about working as a housepainter for my uncle's company.
Alice: Hmm. Working as a lifeguard, you get to swim every day, and you'd get a great tan.
Tom: Yeah, but being a housepainter pays more than being a lifeguard. And I wouldn't have to watch a lot of noisy little kids.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:22

how's your work going lately, everything alright?

oh yeah, everything is fine, but actually, it is so fine that sometimes it feels kind of boring, you know, doing the same shit every day.

so, have you been thinking about change another job? I heard that the call centre is recruiting staff in these couple of weeks time, are you interested?

en...probably not, cos I've got no experiences in that field.

oh come on, it's gonna be ok, just give it a try, it's a great challenge don't you think? at least the new environment could give yourself a totally great refreshment.

oh, ok, i'll think about it. thank you for your advise.

ah it's nothing. I gotta go, i'll cath up with you later.

alright, see you.
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