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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-26 16:03



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 15:05

Hello, I’m Liqiang,the secretary of mayor Ma. Welcome to WuZhou. Here is the schele of our action.
Wuzhou is a beautiful city, which has a long history. Now something is happening in Wuzhou. The economic is under a great development, whether the instry or the city construction, it’s changing with each passing day. So I’m so honored to welcome you friends to make some investment here. My English is not very fluent, so I feel sorry for the inconvenience I may bring in the coming two days. I beg your excuse.
So follow me. Here is your room, Mr. Tom, and your room is No.302, Mrs. Lilly. Take a break and the dinner is arranged in the room 306 at 8:00 tonight. Some leaders will be there. Tomorrow morning’s meeting will be taken in the meeting room on the third floor of this hotel.
We should take the car at 4:00 this afternoon, and will arrive at the Beihua station about 70 minutes later. And then we have to take the D12 train at 4:06. It will take three and a half hours for us to get in Jianghua.
All right, it’s the farewell time. Welcome coming again! I believe we will meet again in the future. Bye! Bless a good trip!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 15:05

基于[胡安清 - 秀才 二级]的翻译。不过发现[胡安清 - 秀才 二级]添加了不少不存在的内容,我都去掉了。


Hello, I'm Liqiang, the secretary of mayor Ma. Welcome to WuZhou! Here is the action schelefor us.

Wuzhou is a beautiful city with a long history. Now Wuzhou is in a great-developing period on ecnomic, including instry and city construction, and they change with each passing day. It is so honored to welcome you friends from all over the world to make investment here. My English is not very fluent, and sorry for the inconvenience I may bring in the coming two days. I beg your excuse.

So follow me. Here is your room, Mr. Tom, and your room is No.302, Miss. Lily. Take a break and the dinner is arranged in the room 306 at 8:00 tonight. Tomorrow morning's meeting will be taken in the meeting room on the third floor of this hotel.

We would take EMU D12 at 4:06 this afternoon, and it will take three and a half hours to Hongkong.

OK, time to farewell and welcome coming back for more times! I believe that we will meet again. Bye! Good trip!
世界杯噶一D咨询啊~ 请问一下明天(7月7日)02:30的世界杯荷兰对乌拉圭除了中央五台还有其它台... 苏州阿波罗儿童摄影连锁机构苏州阿波罗儿童摄影连锁机构 幼儿创意相册哪个牌子 如何制作宝宝电子相册 宝宝电子相册 哪里有免费的儿童电子相册模板 东东儿童摄影工作室简介 演示道具设计 蛋糕上文字简短独特 乐途印象乐途印象简介 急,帮忙翻译这些句子“明天上午九点有一个会议” 请你明天下午来我明天上午有个会翻译 明天上午八点,我们有个会议,怎么翻译 申请进修的流程 请问这进口红酒是真的吗?大约什么价格 头发一洗黑两年没染过头发可以染发了么? 人行体检注意事项有这些,你知道了吗 xbox360除了忍龙还有什么好玩的动作游戏 XBOX360龙珠猛烈冲击下载,XBOX360龙珠猛烈冲击攻略 历届春晚歌曲(唱响中国梦) 出国体检是必须的吗??去英国的 抚州去黄山天都峰多少公里 鹰潭到宏村再游黄山 黄山往鹰潭走哪条高速有多少公里 鹰潭开车到黄山飞来石油费多少 从鹰潭市中级人民法院到黄山北站怎么走 鹰潭开车到黄山程大位故居用时 黄山到鹰潭有多少公里。 鹰潭开车到黄山要多少公里,时间,过路费,油钱 神仙道龙珠系统资料经验分享 明天下午,将有一个会议.的翻译是:什么意思 我们明天会有一个会议。Translate it into English. 网安大队有实权吗 苹果iPhone手机怎么通过蓝牙来传输文件 怎么用iPhone苹果手机的蓝牙功能传输文件图片 福特锐界和h9哪个好 雾化去皱后怎么消肿 日本精密体检好在哪? 欧舒丹萌粒是什么 旅顺卖万和热水器的地方在哪 单边分中y轴怎么偏数 三原有哪有卖燃气热水器 南沙卖燃气热水器的地方 模具放电怎么看单边分中,双边分中,四边分中,波珠测xy轴时要怎么标? 双平面测量左室面积的方法按键咋用 怎么设置焦点?怎么样才能快速得转换焦点与目标? 胆囊小影响公务员录用吗 银行怎么帮酒店卖房 一般体检的尿检是为了检测什么啊?什么样算正常呢? ...证明什么,我2009年血常规体检提示: MCHC 值 315 参考值(320-355...
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