发布时间:2022-04-25 19:32
时间:2023-10-14 14:44
In the following conversation, we assume A’s name is Anna, B’s name is Bob.
A:I was reading the newspaper the other day and one of the news about the American action movie ‘The Expendables2’ caught my attention.
B:What did it say?
A:The dramatic team was being accused of destroying the Bulgaria ecological environment. The number of local bats has significantly dropped from over 30 thousand to less than 9 thousand.
B:Really! I guess the team must have been shooting the film in the cave those bats live in.
A:Yeah, exactly. Experts said that the noise and light disturbed the bats so severely that they couldn’t sleep normally at night. You know what, I think such abnormal changes in species population size could trigger unexpected problems.
B:What do you mean?
A:Remember in the 1950s, Chinese farmers hunted sparrows because they eat grains? An insect pest broke out after that.
B:Oh, I see. It is because people accidentally wiped out those insects’ natural enemy. Anna, I’m a bit worried now. Instrialization and farming are causing much bigger problems than shooting films. Wetland, forest, species are losing their habitation at a growing rate. I’m a bit pessimistic about the situation.
A:Yeah, if the eco-system fails to function normally, we would definitely suffer. Issues about climate change and pollution are all over the newspaper.
B:Right. We have seen strange weather conditions this year, like the flood in India, the hail in Australia, the snow storm in Europe…
A:Yeah, my friend Ella was trapped in the London airport for three days, poor girl.
B:Anna, guess what I think is the top one miserable natural disaster? Come on, have a go.
A:Ah… the super-hot summer in India? 50 degrees, I would definitely faint.
B:That’s a nice try. Well, I would rank the Fukushima earthquake first e to the follow-up nuclear leakage. While we consider ourselves capable of reshaping the natural environment to satisfy our needs, we end up hurt by the technology we use. Don’t you think so?
A:I totally agree with you, Bob. I think the nature has a perfect system that no artificial design could ever match. For us to live better, a balance must be stuck between development and environment protection.
B:Fortunately, we have seen actions by the government to deal with these ecological issues.
A:Let’s just wish more progresses could be made in the future.
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