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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-07 00:29



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:42

1. I be good at math, chemistry curriculum is still some lack in.
2. I like English, hope to learn English better.
嘿嘿 差不多是这样啊 嘻嘻

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:44

1. I be good at math, chemistry curriculum is still some lack in.
2. I like English, hope to learn English better.
嘿嘿 差不多是这样啊 嘻嘻

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:42

I am good in math,but I am not good enough in Chemistry
I love English very much,and I hope to learn it better.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:44

I am good in math,but I am not good enough in Chemistry
I love English very much,and I hope to learn it better.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:42

I am good in mathematics, also some lack of chemistry course
I love English, hoping to better learn English.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:43

I am rather good at math, while not so good at chemistry.
I love English, and hope to learn it better.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:45

I am good in mathematics, also some lack of chemistry course
I love English, hoping to better learn English.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 03:45

I am rather good at math, while not so good at chemistry.
I love English, and hope to learn it better.

1. I be good at math, chemistry curriculum is still some lack in.2. I like English, hope to learn English better.嘿嘿 差不多是这样啊 嘻嘻


3.This is horrible.


I can't really justify taking another day off work.我真的不能证明在休息一天是正当的。We run a course for local teachers.我们为当地的教师开设了一门课程。I phoned Andy,but we had such a bad connection that we gave up trying to talk.我给Andy打了个电话,但是我们信号不好我们就...


1. A:Can you translate this for me?(B: You can get a rough translation online.)你可以在网上得到简易的翻译 2. A:Good evening (B:I’ll buy you dinner.)晚饭我请你了。3. A:When’s your birthday?(B: Sorry but I am not saying.)对不起,我不能说。4. A: How old are ...


1、I'm so slow in conversation that my conversational partners usually take over.我跟人家交流时很慢,局面常常被交谈对手掌控。2、It helps to learn the sounds,gestures,words,or phrases that let your listener know that you are groping for word or thought 学会一些让您的听众知道你正在...

请大家帮忙翻译几个英语句子 谢谢

1.Our English teacher is too busy to look after his home.2.They agree on this plan.3.Per success is just to buy a pass to head for more difficult problems.4.This kind of girls don't play computer games much,if they do ,only few of them.5.We can gain the success ...


应该是chiefly centered,你笔误写成chielfly unavoidable circumstances: 不可避免的情况下;在不得已的情况下 I will pine to death, if I'm deprived of you , even by some unavoidable circumstances.即使在不得已的情况下失去你,我也会憔悴致死。due to:因...We dig a hole, which is ...


1. She is very young.2. She has brown hair, to match that she is very expensive gas.3. she wears a white is.4. She has the purple hat and scarf, knitting tie-in black leather halfback.5. She has a pair of gloves, color to wear it is warm in winter and fashion.6...


2.In his early forties ,Peter Van Der Groot was a successful stockbroker at the London Stock Exchange,with the typical rewards of success;a large beautiful home and a very healthy bank accout 刚刚四十岁出头的Peter Van Der Groot是一个伦敦证券交易市场的成功的股票经纪人。他的成功...


1,机器上的指针迅速从零上升到8, 然后到10, 12,15, 最终停在了17上.2,between ourselves,是固定搭配,等同于privately between ourselves 秘密地;别告诉别人 This matter is between ourselves.这件事别告诉旁人。Let this be between ourselves.这件事不要让别人知道。Between ourselves, I don't ...

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