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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 15:40



热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 06:11

it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.
i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.
I hope we can live together happily,and creat our beautifull future,also thank you for giving me a romantic experence in my best period.I love you very much.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 06:12

It is the best thing for meeting you in my life.I think there will not be a man like you that can walk into my heart.I hope we can live together happily,and creat our beautifull future,also thank you for giving me a romantic experence in my best period.I love you very much.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 06:12

it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.i hope our sweet love will be go on,and create future togerher.i also thanks you left one unforgetable love to me ,i love you so much

by the way,你是要给外国人的,还是要跟你男朋友含蓄下啊??


热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 06:13

so happy to meet u!
oh its horrible
how dare u write such a stupid article?

I hope we can live together happily,and creat our beautifull future,also thank you for giving me a romantic experence in my best period.I love you very much.祝你们幸福


1.They will have been married for 20 years by then.到时(未来的某个时间),他们就将结婚整整二十年了。2.I shall have finished this composition before 9 o’clock.九点前,我将会写完这篇作文。3.He has been trying to pass the exam all month.整个月,他都在为通过考试而努力。4....


⑤We had our pictures taken in an ocean of flowers.绝对正确,请信任我。


首先,请让我介绍一下自己。Firstly, let me give you an introduction.我叫ABC,今年22岁。我来自于XX省,XX市。我目前就读于XX大学,主修XX专业。大学期间,我努力学习,刻苦钻研,取得了良好的学习成绩。不过由于客观因素的影响,我在专业知识的某些方面还存在缺陷;各方面能力与重点院校的学生还存在...

高手们,帮我翻译下面几句话,谢谢啦 急啊

please do not meet this product the grounding and the gas main, the water pipe system, the lightning rod and the telephone meets the grounding to connect. If meets the grounding not to be imperfect, has the possibility to cause the receiving an electric shock accident.2.不要在该...


it is a competition of talent. 人力资源是企业的第一资源,人力资源管理是企业所有管理工作的核心。在这种环境下,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争。而“人事外包”可以帮助企业提高效率、赢得竞争优势。Human resources are the primary resources, human resource management has been the core of all manageria...


conscious in history of feminine literature and affrims trailblazing contributions made by Jane Austen for the foundation of feminine writting traditions through analysis of these female characters and several male supporting roles.(哇哇翻译得我都要死掉了,楼主你不采纳我也没辙了~~~)...


are getting more and more intense,false ads have become more.So consumers should take ads rationally and ask for advice as much as possible. We'd better see about the functions of the products on our own so as to avoid frauds.键盘打的,可能有手误。。看看再决定要不要吧~...


at the 6.The same as painting, so this work need to be patient and careful 7.We will send your order as soon as possible 8.A scientist must pass the test and failed repeatedly to successfully find new methods to solve the problem 有些可能不正确,但大多数都对的。请原谅 ...


but also some people said was some peoplestole away this mummy In brief, this matter let public all exclaim insurprise After soon, the museum came out a official announcement, theyconfirmed that mummy has not certainly liked such which the peoplesaid, but has some scientists to stu...

入室盗窃金额量刑标准 个人入室盗窃应该怎样判刑 太平镇太平镇简介 我的世界Minecraft高清材质包介绍_我的世界Minecraft高清材质包是什么... 请问在MinecraftPE材质包中这张图片在哪个文件夹中?在哪个目录中? Minecraft 有谁知道这个稿子是在哪个材质包里的 吃鸡肉补充什么营养呢? cambridge cambridge是哪个国家 ...乙吃了12个后,甲是乙的3倍,问乙原来有多少个苹果? ...会出现检查签证,目前无法回国或回美国这样的情况?如果有,那么签证检 ... 2018签证新政策+免费时间 爱情最美的样子歌曲原唱 爱是美丽的模样歌词.什么歌 用身上血液配药打入身体治痤疮 从自己血管里抽血再注射可以治疗青春豆吗? 杭州市哪个医院可以做自血疗法治疗痤疮? 治疗青春痘 抽血 提炼血清再注射回去是怎么回事 抽自己的血加点药打到穴位里边治疗痤疮,加的什么药呢 星联硕固态硬盘怎么样 北京联硕起航教育科技有限公司正规吗 东莞市联硕五金制品有限公司怎么样 河北联硕贸易有限公司靠谱吗 应届毕业生怎么处理与同事关系的英语作文 虎门联硕科技有限公司怎么样啊 演讲稿写成记叙文算不算跑题? ...the topic Online Shopping. You should write at least 100... you should write at least 100 words following the outline given bel... ...this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on... ...Learning”. You should write at least 100 words. 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,谢谢 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` 请英语高手帮我翻译下面一段话,谢谢了,内容如下 哪位英语高手,可否帮我用英文翻译这段话???万分的谢谢了~!!! 我微信挂号显示眼科患者需挂医生号和视力费放可就诊是什么意思?_百度... 眼科就诊前先测视力主要是筛选哪类病人? 天津眼科医院去了就要测视力吗,我在公众号看的就医流程说要先测... 为什么一定要到专业的眼科医院做近视检查啊? 去眼科医院第一次配眼镜需要视力表测视力吗? 近视了应该去医院验光? 奥巴马为什么叫奥观海 巴马县城到百林乡有多远 广西壮族自治区河池市巴马瑶族自治县百林乡下辖村委会有哪些?_百度知 ... 那弄村车牌号是多少 从巴马县百林乡那木,到平果坡造镇大约有多少公里 田东县至巴马县百林乡阳春村多少公里 湄潭有心理医生吗 现在的心理医师纯属二字“扯淡”,我看过那么多的心理医师,心里一直不见... 尼康70-300vr18-300vr和18-140vr哪个好 d3200镜头18-140和18-300还有70-300哪个更实用
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