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《A good book 一本好书》

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 20:21



初中英语作文《A good book 》或《A good film》80词左右~~急求啊~_百...

《A good book 》《一本好书》Life rarely left us time to think, review those who once in our life has a great influence on things.生活很少留给我们时间去思考、回顾那些曾经对我们的一生产生过重大影响的事情。Yes, we are living in many major changes may have very energy from some ...


It's one thing to do sth, (but)it's another thing to do sth.固定结构,意思是干什么是一回事, 干什么却是另一回事.在这儿,quite是程度副词,只是加强句子的感情色彩,从语法上讲是可以去掉的.如: quite a good book--相当好的一本书, a good book--一本好书.原句可以这样理解:做出一个...


推荐一本好书 的英语是recommend a good book


出版者寄了本书给他,希望能得到他的一番吹捧。The recipe book has little asides about the importance of home and family.这本食谱很少有关于家庭生活和家人重要性的题外话。


the face of setbacks you have only two roads: one is to move forward, the other one is back. I also want to choose to go forward, like Robinson to do a brave man.我读到了一本好书――《鲁滨逊漂流记》,深深地被主人公鲁滨逊面对危险展现出的勇敢和智慧所打动。这本书主要写了鲁...

英语a fantastic book怎么翻译?

a fantastic book的中文意思是:一本好书


A good book is a light to the soul 好书一本,照亮心灵。A good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 千里之行,始于足下。All things are easy that are done willingly 做事乐意,诸事容易。A man's actions show his ...

关于书的介绍 英文 10句

The book is a living voice. 书本是人生至今聆听的智慧之音。The book is an intellect to which one still listens. 书本对于智者来说,声音永恒。A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was and it will never change.一本好书如同置身于好友...

一本好书就是一个好朋友 的翻译文

reason why we are always encouraged to read more good books and learn more knowledge from them."It's never too late to learn", we should choose many good books and make friends with them. "a good book is a good friend", let's make many good friends and learn more....


good morning早上好 good noon 中午好 good afternoon下午好 good evening晚上好

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