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Of all the boys,he studies __.(hard)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 11:53



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 19:47

Of all the boys,he studies hardest.
在我们班的所有学生当中,他学习最努力,对于双音节的形容词 最高级形式是 the most +形容词,副词最高级都修饰动词,前不加the

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 19:47


如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 19:48

hardest hard的比较级

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 19:48


热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 19:49


1the 比较级 the比较级 例如 the more the better 这是平行增加句式 大概是初2初3学的吧..2he is the taller one of the two 看这个例子 需满足两个条件方可用比较级一是必须是两个对象(句子中要明显看得出来)二是一般有of the two+人称职业等跟着 对于最高级来说 一般是有the的. 当...

...john is a good boy.he studies hard and is never late for sc...



你比如:I work hardest.I work the hardest.貌似- -这个句子不太好


18. I like kiwis _better_ than any other fruit. (well)19. Jack did the work _most carefully_ among the boys. (carefull)20. Betty studies _harder_ than you. (hard)21. He sings _worse_ (badly) than any other boy in the group. His sister sings _best_ (well) of all...

求霍姆斯《男孩想要的东西》(Just the Boy Wanted)英文全文

The boy who is wanted in the law must be able himself to want something very hard all the time, and for a long time. But this is true for the most part of all who wanted anywhere in life. There are some other talents which have a more special connection with the law. The law is...

...differences in how boys and girls behaved were m...



A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of ...


以及】 ball games.in the afternoon he often 【plays 打篮球 】basketball with his classmate.he ofter does his 【homework 家庭作业】in the evening.sometimes he watches TV【for】 an hour.most of the girs 【and】boys like the program.they 【all 都】 like jim Green.


A.He disliked his teachers. B.His parents no longer supported him. C.It’s cool for boys of his age not to care about studies. D.There were too many subjects in his secondary school. 5.The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people’s lives.Buying something as basic as a coff...


of which he speaks 【小题10】that appeals to 【答案解析】【小题1】根据短语have difficulty (trouble)(in)doing sth可知,此处talk用动名词的形式,作介词in的宾语。【小题2】考查以sense为核心的短语,make no sense意为:讲不通。【小题3】根据句意:他们被暴露在辐射中。所以用被动语态...

如何评价动画女恶魔人 如何评价动画女恶魔人? 途观胎压监测在哪? 勤劳一生什么生肖 一生劳碌一生享最准的生肖 勤劳一生是什么生肖 勤劳一生,终会得奖,天道酬勤作栋梁指是什么生肖,词典梳理落实 温州有哪些性价比高的面馆推荐? 护士执业资格证的照片怎么审核成功 二33乐园怎么下载? Well,you look so happy —— Because I got a good job。为什么? Hey,jack.Youlooksohappy是什么意思 如图所示,一偏心轮绕O点做匀速转动。关于偏心轮上的各点的运动,下列说... 全球使命2里面的玄武堕天使和赤龙09主战式机甲 见玄鸟堕其卵,取而代之,因孕生契的人是谁 如图所示,一偏心轮绕O点做匀速转动,那么关于偏心轮上的各点,以下说法中... IF函数的结果我想引用一个单元格 excel中if函数引用第二个sheet中的数据进行判断 欠款属于夫妻共同债务吗 求个形容女人高贵冷艳的四字成语,要押韵,最后一个字以a押韵 if可以跨表格使用吗 欠款属于债权债务吗 请以回报生命中的那些爱为题写一篇文章 回报生命里的那些爱500字作文 回报父母的爱作文600字 肌酐尿素高怎么办 急 肌酐高,尿素高,尿蛋白2个+,精神很好,小便正常,请问是什么原因。 回报生命中的那份爱记叙文 十几岁女孩(大约160斤)肌酐和尿素都高是什么原因呢?生活中要注意什么... 高贵 冷艳 近义词 宝宝长热疹跟妈妈上火有关吗 i paint toys for all the boys and girls是什么意思 —You look so happy. What happened?—I have just got an “A” in... alloftheboys什么意思 一偏心轮绕垂直纸面的轴O匀速转动,a和b是轮上质量相等的两个质点,a... all of the boys 跟 of all the boys有区别吗?还是有一句表达式错的... 美国研究表明,60岁以上的人每天走6000-8000步,可将早逝风险降低53%... all the boys is还是are 便秘跟盆底肌有关系吗 of all the boys 梦见坟墓在房上 步行是很好的锻炼方法,每天走多少歩合适?折合成米是多少 ...其下端由凹轮M推动,凸轮绕O轴以匀角速ω转动,见下图。 梦见自己在坟墓上住的预兆 23年罗平油菜花开了吗 产后便秘的原因有哪些、正常吗,产后便秘是不是跟盆底肌有关_百度... 试述如何培养幼儿良好的情感和情绪。 mate20pro还有全新机吗 游戏是如何促进学前儿童高级情感发展的? 贝克汉姆在曼联有穿过10号吗?
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