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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-03 21:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 18:38


那个人是马沂茹,唱的是《Scratch da house》

《Scratch da house》
all the ladies in the place
all the ladies in the place

Sir Colin,

all the ladies in the place

yo yo yo ladies out there Sir Colin in the air show him how you work shake it down with your skirt
y'all boys in the club you better get your ass up, you want to be like him don't get loose in the sleep.
you cannot get enough should he get more of this stuff
who is sex's a full in the sea he's though one crème de là crème. DJ scratch the beat everybody here feel that heat. i want to bump in crime. now you get lost your mind. i am here for 2 arrive see say he's gonna scratch the house

all the ladies in the place
sir colin
all the ladies in the place

i'is in crap da voul that he catch you just like that, doesn't matter what they say, do your thing, do your way. feel it in the crowd aah, just like it from the back, nobody disagree, move it down the BMC, we gonna rock all night, we've got cha' guys does alright, you see the crowd get reverse, tool them out all their reserve, you better better better better better watch out, this here is not allowed, we want the sound once more. Hey?! what are you lookin' for!?
I am here for to arrive see say he's gonna scratch the house

i don't wanna talkin' about, of the art DJ sir colin in the house
all the ladies in the house, all the girls in the house, all the people in the house, parkin' place in the house MC Bahar on the mic. Mr. DJ
Sir Colin, is in tham tham mix, is in tham tham mix
I am here for to arrive see say he's gonna scratch the house
i don't wanna talkin' about, of the art DJ sir colin in the house

all the ladies in the house, all the girls in the house, all the people in the house, parkin' place in the house MC Bahar on the mic. Mr. DJ
Sir Colin, is in tham tham mix, is in tham tham mix

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