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请高手将以下一段中文翻译成英文,谢绝软件翻译 谢谢.

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 11:22



热心网友 时间:2023-07-15 04:06


I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel? 【2】 The order I was in two shipments, the first issued five Men's package, the second issued three men package, a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days, buyer after the receipt of the first package, why no mention of proct size does not match? 【3】 I sold a lot of men's pack, because good quality, was unanimously praised by the buyer, the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm, the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly . Both the station and goods described in the letter, I have never committed any size buyer. More than three full description, the buyer is lying, is a cyber-crook, is a malicious non-payment. DH will want to uphold justice.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-15 04:07

To send the buyer of goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, [1]: to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where to The men's package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel? [2]: The order I was in two shipments, the first issued five Men's package, the second issued three men package, a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days, buyer after the receipt of the first package, why no mention of proct size does not match? [3]: I sold a lot of men's pack, because good quality, was unanimously praised by the buyer, the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm, the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly . Both the station and goods described in the letter, I have never committed any size buyer. More than three full description, the buyer is lying, is a cyber-crook, is a malicious non-payment. DH will want to uphold justice

上面就翻译了!希望您能采纳!谢谢 !

热心网友 时间:2023-07-15 04:07

I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel? 【2】 The order I was in two shipments, the first issued five Men's package, the second issued three men package, a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days, buyer after the receipt of the first package, why no mention of proct size does not match? 【3】 I sold a lot of men's pack, because good quality, was unanimously praised by the buyer, the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm, the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly . Both the station and goods described in the letter, I have never committed any size buyer. More than three full description, the buyer is lying, is a cyber-crook, is a malicious non-payment. DH will want to uphold justice.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-15 04:08

I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel?
请高手将以下一段中文翻译成英文,谢绝软件翻译 谢谢.

I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for ...


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Man's emotion are undoubtfully abundant, English unlimitedly hold the way to express these abundant emotion accurately like any other languages.We would carry through discussions on the expression of emotion in English.1. When staying in happiness, people tend to laugh, and sometime ...


the hearts of people of ice as well. Moreover, being thankful can put the whole society in a warm atmosphere. 2012, with a thankful heart, we are at the corner of a new year. Always being thankful, the world will become better and better. Today, have you been thankful?


beautiful lady, her vanity was no more than an expression of pursuing beauty and her love of beauty. Her attitude to life was serious and sincere. In contrast, her inner nobel qualities of sincerity and brave are much more worthy of our appreciation.手动翻译,希望对你有帮助。


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of one country, which concerns the image of one country.一个人也是如此,在碰到原则问题时,千万不能含糊其词,该说“不”时,决不能犹豫。So it is true of one person. Never hesitate to say "no" and voice clearly when it comes to a matter of principle.参考资料:辛苦翻译呀 ...


Client's financial assets not only the main proportion of liabilities are the rapid rise, especially in the wake of domestic consumer credit business continued to expand, customers have been made to the bank and how the assets and liabilities in the balance between the search and ...

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