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哪首英文歌的高潮部分有oh oh oh oh oh

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 03:09



热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 12:35

back when i was a child
before life removed all the innocence
my father would lift me high
and dance with my mother me then
spin me around till i fell asleep
then up the stairs he would carry me
and i knew for sure i was loved
if i could get another chance
another walk
another dance with him.
i'd play a song that would never,ever end
how i love,love,love
to dance with my father again
when i and my mother would disagree
to get my way i would run from her to him
he'd make me laugh just to comfort me

then finally make me do just what my mama said
later that night when i was asleep
he left a dollar under my sheet
never dreamed that he would be gone from me
if i could steal one final glance.
one final step
one final dance with him
i'd play a song that would never,ever end
'cause i love,love,love
to dance with my father again
sometimes i'd listen outside her door
and i'd hear how my mother cried for him
i pray for her even more than me
i pray for her even more than me
i know i'm praying so much too much
but could you send back the only man she loved
i know u don't do it usually
but dear lord she's dying
to dance with my father again
every night i fall asleep this is all i ever dream
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  • 焦点


