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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 04:11




Along with the computer network development and popularization of Internet access, rapid and become the important channel and information, it is in politics, economy, life aspects plays an important role. The development of modern information technology, and provide people with the advanced...


This article is wrote mainly basic on the theory evidence of customer management to discuss the customer in current status for FuJian WuPing Coal Company (福建省武平县煤炭工业公司. 请按贵司正规英文名称填,此处先直译), and bring forward optimized management method through using CRM syst...


Abstract: Experts have pointed out that the psychological problems of college students causes of society and individuals, mainly from two aspects, social aspects, to accelerate socio-economic development, to an increasingly competitive, resulting in students a sense of crisis increased, so ...


Current situation:Nowadays expensive health care mainly reflects in the price of medicine.One of the problems is that the prices of medicine have been artificially raised high.Because of historic reasons,original ground medicine,a unique type of medicine in China,is separately priced as ...

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摘 要abstract 随着我国加入WTO后贸易壁垒的逐步解除,企业所面临的竞争压力也越来越多。As the trade protectionism has been gradually disappearing since China's entry into WTO, enterprises confront more and more serious competitive pressures nowadays.企业要面对的,不仅仅是国内几家厂商间的区域...






hobby recommended customer may be interested or satisfied with the goods (such as books, audio and video etc.). Transformation of the potential demand for mining user as the realistic demand, so as to improve the product sales to. Personalized recommendation system is built on the b...


the first performance management system is to solve the optimization problem.In response to the crisis, good performance management system optimization, this can have literature research, survey interviews, comparative research and case study method of Kyushu through the performance management s...


responsibility and functions of the institutions; institutions under the terms of reference and characteristics of the gradual implementation of the reform of the classification; accordance with the structural reform of the background, system design and security policy.手工翻译,放心安心 ...

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