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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 10:43



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 03:22

Hello/Good morning,everybody!
today i want introce you a very cute animal——alpacas(羊驼.it is very well known on the Internet,maybe you all know about it. Alpacas are a gentle and intelligent breed.羊驼是一种很温顺、聪明的动物 it proce one offspring a year.一年仅生产一次 Alpacas are a social animal and do best when pastured with other alpacas羊驼是一种社会性动物,放牧时与其他羊驼能很好相处.Which is more interesting is,because of the fastidious in their habits, alpacas will tend to form communal manure piles, which assists in controlling their parasite load更有趣的是,由于它们挑剔的习惯,羊驼往往会弄一个公用的粪堆来控制他们身上的寄生虫.Alpacas have an affinity for children and house cats对小孩和猫来说,羊驼很有亲和力. Their intelligence means that alpacas are quick to train to a halter and leader羊驼的聪明意味着可以很快将它们训练成笼头、领头.
You see,it is such a lovely animal,i hope we can love them just like love ourselves and protect them away from harm.你们看,它是如此可爱的一种动物,我希望你们像爱自己一样爱他们,保护它们远离伤害。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 03:22

Everybody is good, today I will introce a cute animal, this is the sheep camel, on the network is very famous, many people know it, it has a blue eyes, let a person see the heart, it is very lovely. The sheep camel on grass, with white hair, in short, it is very lovely animals, and I also hope you protect animals, give ourselves a likewise lovely of the earth

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 03:23

Hello everyone, today I want to give you all a very cute animal, which is alpaca, the network is very well known, many people know it, it has a melancholy look, people looked at heart-broken, it is very cute. Alpaca is a grass-eating, with white hair (here I would like to master to help me add something about its characteristics, I use the mobile Internet inconvenient investigations ah, that is, to help you search Baituo some simple things, such as it Huoo Jiu ah like, simple, thank you) In short, it is a very cute animals, I hope everyone gets to protect animals and give ourselves an equally lovely Earth "

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 03:24

Hello/Good morning,everybody!
today i want introce you a very cute animal——alpacas.it is very well known on the Internet,maybe you all know about it. Alpacas are a gentle and intelligent breed. it proce one offspring a year.Alpacas are a social animal and do best when pastured with other alpacasWhich is more interesting is,because of the fastidious in their habits, alpacas will tend to form communal manure piles, which assists in controlling their parasite loadAlpacas have an affinity for children and house cats. Their intelligence means that alpacas are quick to train to a halter and leader
You see,it is such a lovely animal,i hope we can love them just like love ourselves and protect them away from harm.。

today i want introduce you a very cute animal——alpacas(羊驼.it is very well known on the Internet,maybe you all know about it. Alpacas are a gentle and intelligent breed.羊驼是一种很温顺、聪明的动物 it produce one offspring a year.一年仅生产一次 Alpacas are a social animal ...


There I could sense the charm of traditional sculpture and achieve a solid ability in sculpture.我的艺术理想是掌握扎实的雕塑能力,运用传统雕塑语言,表达当今的社会现状 My artistic ideal is to master substantial ability in sculpture and to reflect the reality of society by using traditiona...


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我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐...


Friendship is a small umbrella in the rainy season, 友谊是雨季的小伞,It props up a stretch of clear sky. 撑起一片晴朗的天空。Friendship is a gust of temperate wind, 友谊是一阵温馨的风,It can stoke the wet heart warm 抚暖那潮湿的心灵。Friendship is lamp on a cold night,...


He has a lot of teaching experience.We can learn lots of things from his lessons.He is a very humorous person,so this is always the funny atmosphere in his class 他也是一位运动健将,虽然他的身体状态并不理想,但是他总能克服重重困难。他也有一手乒乓球技术,他经常教我,和我一起...

翻译英语小文章 急!!! 谢谢~~



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