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You're Too pretty 的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 22:27



热心网友 时间:2024-07-15 17:56

All it really took was a look from across the room
I caught your eye and I knew I was doomed
To fall deeply for the idea of you and me
Together could I ever make this dream come true?

Imagine my sweet surprise
When you said you felt likewise

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

If they ask I would sing all your praises
Tell them all about your charms and grace
And how you’d always say that you’d take me so many places
Will they only see a perfect face?

Now I’m spending all my time on your outside
But with every pretty face there’s only downside

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

I suppose that I was hoping to prove them all wrong
That I can get past your surface
To the innermost secrets
But I keep getting stuck because
You’re so pretty

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

And I thought “You’re so pretty”
But too pretty for someone like me
I just want this feeling to go away
You’re too pretty for a girl like me

All it really took was a look from across the room I caught your eye
To fall deeply for the idea of you and me together


《You're Too Pretty 》的中文歌词

仅仅是那一眼 穿过房间里的人群 我捕捉到了你的目光 然后明白 我的命运在这一刻已注定 与你相伴的渴望 让我无力自拔 这梦想 可会有成真的一天?当你说 你同我一样也有这样的感觉时 你能想象我那甜蜜的惊喜吗?然而你是那么美好 太美好了 我配不上你 是的 对于我这样一个女孩 你美好得有...

《You're Too Pretty 》的中文歌词

仅仅是那一眼 穿过房间里的人群 我捕捉到了你的目光 然后明白 我的命运在这一刻已注定 与你相伴的渴望 让我无力自拔 这梦想 可会有成真的一天?当你说 你同我一样也有这样的感觉时 你能想象我那甜蜜的惊喜吗?然而你是那么美好 太美好了 我配不上你 是的 对于我这样一个女孩 你美好得有些...

You're Too Pretty歌词及中文翻译


You're Too Pretty 歌词

You’re too pretty for a girl like me And I thought “You’re so pretty”But too pretty for someone like me I just want this feeling to go away You’re too pretty for a girl like me All it really took was a look from across the room I caught your eye To fall deeply...

You’re Too Pretty

I caught your eye and I knew I was doomed To fall deeply for the idea of you and me Together could I ever make this dream come true?Imagine my sweet surprise When you said you felt likewise Chorus And I thought “You’re so pretty”But too pretty for someone like me I ...

...里面歌词有 i thought you so pretty but too beautiful for someo...

You're Too Pretty Di Johnston 演唱 All it really took was a look from across the room I caught your eye and I knew I was doomed To fall deeply for the idea of you and me Together could I ever make this dream come true?Imagine my sweet surprise When you said you felt ...


re too pretty ([Taemin] When I look at her) I go crazy ([Taemin] But now I’m tired) Replay Replay Replay Memories tear at my heart ([Taemin] Because my heart hurts now) I fix it ([Taemin] At the parting that's coming I) Replay Replay Replay [Onyu] Nuna you're ...

跪求Mockingbird Real One Remix 的中文歌词。

Deep inside, you wanna cry 最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 Cuz you’re scared 因为你惊恐万分 I ain’t there?是我没在那儿的原因?Daddy’s with you in your prayers 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 No more crying 所以请别再哭泣 Wipe them tears 拭干泪水罢 Daddy’s here 爸爸就在那儿 No ...


是不是Di Johnston的You're Too Pretty啊?这首就是这样的。。。我睡觉时就爱听着这首睡觉~~

You're Too Pretty歌曲简介

这张专辑的制作人Dave Liang,一位华裔美籍音乐人,以其独特的手法为Di的音乐增添了浓厚的流行元素,同时保持了清新新颖的风格。Di那如丝般的嗓音被比作香奈儿7号,温暖而细腻,仿佛是鼓点间潺潺流动的溪水,既有节奏又不失随意,带给人无比的舒适感。还透露出一丝爵士韵味,增添了音乐的深度和层次。Di...

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