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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-29 11:14



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 18:34

The patient becomes weaker and weaker.
The enemies won't have a good end.
It's impossible to stay working.
How much is your new bicycle?
Xiao Li is on the way and you'll have to wait a little longer.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 18:35

that patient became weaker and weaker
the enemy won't end well
it's impossible to continue to do this
How much did that bike cost you?
Xiao li is on the way, you might as well
wait for him for a while

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 18:35

1. Patients who had become increasingly weak
2. Enemy will not end well.
3. Would like to continue to do the impossible
4. Run the new bike you how much money to spend
5. Li is the way you have to look at, and so he will

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 18:36

1. that patients the more and more became weak
2. enemies not to be able to have the good fate
3. to want to continue to do are not the impossible
4. your new bicycle to spend how much money
5. Xiao Li on the way, you also had to wait for a his meeting



Xiao Li is on the way and you'll have to wait a little longer.


1.想看清远处什么东西 I want to see the thing at a distance more clearly 2.他从书架上取下一本书,很快便被吸引了 He took a book from the bookshelf and was quickly attracted to it 3.不料听人说他已被运往海外 ...but heard that he has been shipped overseas already 4.电脑突然...

急!在线等 翻译简单的短语

1.开生日聚会 have a birthday party 2.把它们给我 give them to me 3.住在北京街 live in Beijing street 4.愿意做某事 willing to do sth 5.在星期五早上 on friday morning 6.和他一起 with he 7.让我们 let us 8.邀请他们来 invit them 9.邀请他们去游泳 invit them to siwm 10....


My child is ill, so I will take him to see a doctor.汉英法学大词典 厂部 factory headquarters


1.zhang qiang get the fruits out from the bag 2.i'm thinking about taking some apple home 3.he wants to know how long it will take to arrive at school 4.in a big city 5.in an area that has lakes or rivers 6.i have lots of letters to write 7.the total number of ...


我会为您做详细的介绍。Would you please tell me your needs, and I can show you around and explain to you. 你可以告诉我你的需求,这样我就能带您四处看看,给你介绍(讲解)一下。对不起,我只会说简单的英语。I'm sorry, I can only speak some simple English....


1.他太害羞了,不敢在公众场合说话 he is too shy to speak in public.2.他们学英语有困难 it's difficult for them to study English.3.请给我一只钢笔写字 pleasw give me a pen to write with.4.你需要更多的挑战 you need more challenges.5.他犯了一些拼写错误 he made some spelling...


Good evening(morning,afternoon),sir(medame).I am so glad to have a chance of interview, my English name is Vity.I graduated from Guangdong Institute Of Science And Technology College 2007, my majored law,but I want to become a documentory sale.Please give me a chance, I will...


I am a girl with kind heart, gentle manner and easy-going personality. I love making friends and would like to help others.When you meet me, you will find that i am a tall girl with black long hair. Normally, I like reading or watching a movie in my own time after ...


The scar on my left arm is the symbol for moving forward!

就读华南师范大学网络教育学院需要中专毕业吗 皮蛋肉粥的做法和配方 ...读华南师范大学的网络教育,但不知道在哪报名?学校有报名点吗?_百度... 银行装etc有什么套路 瑞达时代公司简介 ...计算数学题时,把减数24错写成44,算出差是30,这道题的正确是多少? ...把减数132看成了123,结果算出的差是239,这道题的被减数是()。_百度... ...把减数269看成296算出的结果足543这道算试正确的结果是怎样算_百度... ...做一道减法题时,把减数23看成32,结果是46,这道题的被减数是多少? 灵魂独立于生命而存在,生命可以感知它的存在。到底灵魂是一个什么概念... 最聪明的犹太人是怎样教孩子的 托运行李集中安全检查分为( )级安检。 鲢鳙好钓吗-鲢鳙用什么饵钓 野河钓鲢鳙技巧 微电脑时控开关哪个牌子一天时间误差最少? 微电脑时控开关控制多个电磁阀,电磁阀那些牌子质量好? 女老赖出行坐头等舱被拘结果怎么样? 下列提示颅后窝骨折的临床表现是 ...双眼睑皮下和球结膜下出血,鼻腔流出血性脑脊液,临床诊断最大可能是... 重庆省考资格审查名单 重庆2o23年上半年公务员笔试申论2难度大吗 重庆申论2难度 申论成绩能复核吗 重庆申论1一般能考多少分 重庆省考申论1平均分 梦见亡妻是什么意思 危地马拉和我国建交了吗 形容垂下的三字词语? 地砖上的铁锈怎么去除地砖该如何正确怎么保养 华为手机时间久了卡顿怎么处理 急,帮忙把下面话翻译成英文,很短,但要求通顺,谢谢~ ...一起去骑行游,但是我没有自行车,可以到哪里去租呢? 郑州哪里有便宜的二手自行车批发市场啊? 郑州最大的自行车市场在哪里呀?我想买一辆公路自行车或者越野公路车,帮... 从郑州骑自行到开封要多久? 请问...在郑州有什么好去处...适合单车旅行 河南郑州哪里有正版的A-bike自行车卖啊? 公积金知多少?公积金只能买房时使用? 怎样机械结构可以让物体循环的在一条直线的两点作往复移动且能够精确... 一个常识,转向灯为什么会自动回位 租金为什么成为可变成本呢? 租赁费是变动成本吗 拉棉包没什么要在乾县验货 陕西大唐棉业有限公司怎么样? 冠聪娃娃畅蕴益生菌和拜奥益生菌哪个好 肛门息肉微创手术后会复发嘛?如何控制不让它复发? 为什么奇葩战斗家不能切换另一个账号? 南平中侨名城在哪里? 南平建瓯三江国际在哪里? 西继底坑返绳轮组怎么复位
  • 焦点


