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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:16



热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 02:54

My hometown Yantai is a coastal city.It faces Bohai sea and backed by moutains on three sides.
Local people are very kind.They are not only genorous in qiving help but also plain and simple as well.
It has a pleasant climate with mild winter and noderate summer.Yantai is a place of people of popular summer resort.Visitors always come here to spend their holidays.
Furthermore,Yantai is rich in fruits.It is famous for apples,pears and cherris.As a coastal,We can't miss mentioning the seafood in my hometown.
It is an interesting place.Welcome to my hometown if you will free.

Yantai City lies in the northeastern part of Shandong peninsula, bordering on the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. It is situated at the foot of the hill and beside the sea with beautiful scenery. There are many interesting places which attract thousands of tourists from all over the world, such as the Penglai Pavilion, the stone Tablet Inscriptions of the North Wei Dynasty(386-532) on Mt. Yunfen, Chang Island-the fairy land on the sea, Horse Raising Isle, National Forest Parks, natural preservation areas, provincial tourist and holiday resorts. The graceful islands, fascinating gulf and blue water with golden sands make Yantai one of the tourist sites and summer resorts in northern China. The simple and honest life style, fresh and opening culture, rich tourist resources and colorful touring activities of Yantai will bring you a new sense of recreation.


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