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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 04:16




This is our first cooperation, I hope our cooperation has a good beginning. Because of time and climate, we can accomplish your PO according to your required quality and quantity, please forgive our reduction of the quantity of PO. Many thanks!we will leave the first batch ...


Finally, to meet the fourth objective [test effect of policies on forest trends], we will utilize data on the location and timing of key forest policies in Sichuan and again use econometric techniques to quantitatively analyze the impact of these forest policies on forest cover.最后,...


1.You can take a plane from Chengdu to Wuhan, and there you can take a coach or train to Xinyang.2. You can come from Nanjing straight to Xinyang by train. And also, you can first reach Wuhan by air from Nanjing, and then come to Xinyang by coach or train. Please info...


Your destiny can be your doom.您的命运可以成为你的末日。 I do not believe the destiny.我不相信命运。 But destiny for me , which is a start.但是,命运对我来说,这是一个开端。 Time remind me a lot.时间提醒我很多东西。 People or other things.人或其他东西。 People who truly ...

求救求救! 请英语高手进来帮我翻译下段文字,紧要救急!谢谢先~

can make one feel that happy or ambiguous view, replaces has the expression method which the disgruntled meaning or suffices to respect.”1. 使用褒义形容词。由于广告的目的是为了介绍商品的优越性能和品质,以大量推销商品,所以广告中经常使用一些有积极肯定意义的褒义形容词,对商品进行粉饰和...


)we didn't use context clues to get the right words.(我们没有联系上下文从而找到匹配的词语。)Now, let's talk about this from different points of view.(现在,让我们从不同的角度来讲一讲这个。)手打的哟= =。我中文真心不怎么样= =你读着就好。= =英文担保是对的-w-。


Crime:you have stolen my heart.Sentence you never leave me...


LiPin swims much better than me 5.下次你要尽量小心一些 Try to be more careful next time 6.李蕾,有你一个电话 LiLie ,there's a call for you.7.你为何不脱下你的毛衣?你需要穿凉快些(take off)Why don't you take off your sweater? You need to be a little cooler 8.谢谢你给...


XXX, dining-room USES Europe type style is decorated, dining-room has 24 repast, three hardcover, luxury room can hold about 200 guests for dinner. All the desks and chairs, pure wood dinnerware high-grade fastidious, dining-room center with the view to facilitate your TV in all...


IT has changed our work and life greatly.When we sit at home,we can get information From all over the world.IT极大的改变了我们的生活工作环境,当我们坐在家里时,我们可以从全世界获取信息 Computers have much better memories and can store much more information than any man....

广州八级工伤赔偿标准是什么 八级工伤的赔偿标准在法律上是怎样规定的 安微省八级工伤赔偿标准是? 大话西游2单机版 木头人 谁能给个联系木头人的方法,我想玩下木头人版... 2024巴黎奥运会乒乓球有哪些项目 怎样用剪映定格画面? 吃腌制的咸菜等3种食物竟会得癌症 吃咸菜会不会得癌症 乒乓球团体比赛有哪些项目 能给我发个大话西游2单机怀旧版的修改器么? 羊蛮记腌咸菜怎么腌好吃 夏天汽车怎么降温快 梦见我和我儿子女儿在河里游 Modern and traditional teaching methods are---(combination)at that... 【50分求助】汉译英~~ 翡翠吊坠莲花代表的意思是什么 翡翠荷花吊坠的寓意是什么 梦见我拿衣服给病人光身穿 梦见睡在房顶是什么意思 梦见梦鞋子突然不见了的预兆 大学挂一科 还能当老师么 师范类专业挂科对找工作有影响吗 大罗天在什么地方? 如何去掉粘接在石英石上的木板? 梦见吃避孕药是什么意思 《王者荣耀》战队最高能有几个副队长? 梦见用刀打斗 梦见本人与他人刀剑对打 梦见与多人用刀剑对打 威基伍德实体店天津有几家 一本二本三本是什么意思 怎么划分 夏天汽车怎么快速降温菜鸟驿站怎么申请 梦见自己和孩子在河边 求教一下奥迪Q3,高速时有时方向盘会抖动吗? 梦见吃桌什么意思 贷款还完后公积金还能取吗 梦见小男孩哭着叫我爸爸 我梦见自己怀孕了是怎么回事? 梦见吃剩饭是什么意思 梦见重新端起自己吃剩的饭的预兆 华为手机关机丢了如何定位找回 如果在小区柱子上贴便利贴写对不起犯法吗_百度问一问 南京河西金鹰有香奈儿吗 梦见自己摔倒无人拉一把的预兆 梦见自己摔倒了、曾经的男朋友没有扶我、走了 梦见被旧恋人纠缠 梦见旧恋人纠缠的预兆 梦见之前的对象纠缠我 梦见看到很多人在水里喊救命的预兆 梦见去世的外婆好瘦 梦见和爱的人一起睡觉
  • 焦点


