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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 04:16




In our country---China, the manufacturers have attached great importance to the upgrading and updating of the processing unit as well as the research and development of the new products. But at the same time, they have overlooked the relavant industrial engineering technology system, ...


The intelligence building is to adopt calculator technique and the communication technique's equipments to building to carry on automatic supervision, carrying on a management to the information resources and providing an information service for the customer, it is an important marking of in...

小学8道简单的汉译英 (好的悬赏50分)

1 shall I open the window?2 shall I get a chair for you?3 when are you father will come back 4 He is going to buy shoes for you 5 we are going to be late for the meeting 6 Tomrrow is saturday we will going to visit the factory 7 Are zhangling going to learn Fra...



50分急求!!汉译英的问题 请大家帮我把这几行字 译成英文 不要翻译器翻...

5 CWP group across goal over the entire quadrant time swimming time the percentage of a control group significantly reduced;6 coal worker's pneumoconiosis work of rats caused by chronic lung function reduce the oxygen may be contributing to the decrease in the number of nerve cells ...


做工作, 您必须完全适合, 并且强你精神上需要很多courage.aS 然而, 萨拉接受了伤害, 虽然她承认她是prrtty 被惊吓在一两个场合。"I 是集合发亮为London's Burning(a 电视节目关于伦敦火Service).It 是一个充分的火工作, 意味我的整体是集合alight.Of 路线, 我佩带防护clothing.I 着火十五秒并且往...


1.我叫XX,20岁,就读于XX大学 My name is XX,aged 20 and graduated from XX University.2.我从报纸上得知,贵公司要招聘兼职业务员 I learned from newpaper that there is vacancy of part-time salesmem with you.3.我曾经在报社做过兼职工作,有一定的工作经验,希望通过在贵公司工作能学到更多...

50字左右的英译汉 50分 要分的快来 在线等答案

become buyers of CTOC. For the sellers of CTOC, in order to improve the selling result, managing correct prosecution strategy is obviously important.The article researches the prosecution strategy of CTOC at the base of Taobao website and connects web selling strategies and methods.


二、三级口译考试设《口译综合能力》和《口译实务》2 个科目。三级《笔译综合能力》的题型为:词汇与语法:60道选择题,共60分 阅读理解:30选择题,共30分 完形填空:20道填空题共10分 三级《笔译实务》题型:英译汉:两段或一篇文章共600单词左右 50分 汉译英:一篇文章 400字左右 50分 ...


I'd alway realized that I'm not doing well in English.但是我一直相信我可以学得很好。But I always have the faith that I could make it to learn this language well.我希望有一天我可以在考试中取得优异的成绩,I wish someday I could easily get excellent marks in the tests.希望有...

大家好,请问读文学专业,可以做什么工作和职业呢?谢谢 结婚当天有何规矩 需注重婚房布置 结婚当天的婚房布置图片欣赏浪漫婚房布置攻略 ^_^是表情吗,代表啥? 烘焙里词汇,戚风是什么意思 右眼睛总跳怎么办 史上最全K线基础+22种常用k线形态,等你签收! 【干货专栏22】小趋势+上影线,次日半路机会 做昌帛油怎么判断多空? 胡侦探传说11游戏简介 翡翠吊坠莲花代表的意思是什么 翡翠荷花吊坠的寓意是什么 梦见我拿衣服给病人光身穿 梦见睡在房顶是什么意思 梦见梦鞋子突然不见了的预兆 大学挂一科 还能当老师么 师范类专业挂科对找工作有影响吗 大罗天在什么地方? 如何去掉粘接在石英石上的木板? 梦见吃避孕药是什么意思 《王者荣耀》战队最高能有几个副队长? 梦见用刀打斗 梦见本人与他人刀剑对打 梦见与多人用刀剑对打 威基伍德实体店天津有几家 一本二本三本是什么意思 怎么划分 电竞酒店怎么装修设计 电竞酒店外门配什么颜色好? 海贼王之妖术师怎么不更新了? 紫竹二胡弓几个节 Modern and traditional teaching methods are---(combination)at that... 梦见我和我儿子女儿在河里游 夏天汽车怎么降温快 求救,谁能帮我翻译一段英文啊,英译汉,谢谢谢谢谢谢 夏天汽车怎么快速降温菜鸟驿站怎么申请 梦见自己和孩子在河边 求教一下奥迪Q3,高速时有时方向盘会抖动吗? 梦见吃桌什么意思 贷款还完后公积金还能取吗 梦见小男孩哭着叫我爸爸 我梦见自己怀孕了是怎么回事? 梦见吃剩饭是什么意思 梦见重新端起自己吃剩的饭的预兆 华为手机关机丢了如何定位找回 如果在小区柱子上贴便利贴写对不起犯法吗_百度问一问 南京河西金鹰有香奈儿吗 梦见自己摔倒无人拉一把的预兆 梦见自己摔倒了、曾经的男朋友没有扶我、走了 梦见被旧恋人纠缠 梦见旧恋人纠缠的预兆
  • 焦点


