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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 20:55




There are three students in the office.There aren't three students in the office.Are there three students in the office?Yes, there are. \ No, there aren't.2.客厅里有两个警察。There are two policemen in the living room.There aren't two policemen in the living room.Are ther...


Scatter the finely chopped ginger on top of the sashimi. Put the drained ginger slices next to the sashimi, decorated with cucumber flowers and a bit of coriander.3、将芥末膏挤在一个味碟内,再把浓口酱油装入另一个味碟内,然后随装好盘的生鱼片 Squeeze a little mustard paste on ...


1.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.三天以来,我都一个人独自品羞怀愧,以从正巧在我屋外的自动售货机里各种各样的垃圾食品充饥 2 What I had interpreted as a mali...


1 他四十多岁;he is more than 40-year-old.2 他脱离了危险;he was out of danger 3 这本书没意思;this book is bored 4 这双鞋质量很好;this pair of shoes is superior in quality 5 他年龄相同;he is in the same age with...or they are in the same age (这句有点问题)...


He doesn’t care about his people, country and army. Every day he changes many clothes and show off on the street. If someone asks: where is the king? The officials would say: he is in the fitting room.他不关心他的人民,国家和军队。每天,他都要换很多衣服,然后到大街上炫耀...


is limpid.Summer day lotus, autumn night three deep pools, winter's hungmuy tea, interesting to listen to song of the birds, too beautiful to behold The people may row a boat in the lake, takes a walk in the shore Is the world's Wonderland!结束语是:真是人间的仙境!


2. in just 35 seconds, he actually shot four 3 pointers, also made one player from the opposition to disqualify, it really was amazing.3. Although last season he didn't do well because of the injuries, but rumour has it, he is fully recoverred from the injury and hoping ...


1, please charge!2, you want to go?3, you do the opposite, please go to the car!4, you go to the place I know, please come here after card, I tell you! Car 5, is this bus, get in, please!6 and 1 yuan!7, no card please buy a ticket!8 and if no IC, can...


You always said we had all the time till graduation while in a snap, here comes the time to part. All the purest memories are gone with the wind bit by bit, dreams are the survivors for memorial. Only you are still there shining ahead leading my heart....


2.Would you mind telling me how can I get my tax return?3.我没有见到接我的人,我可能需要坐火车去那里,我下车离酒店远吗,需要打车还是走路就能到呢 3.I haven't see the guy who is supose to meet me ,so I might need to get there by train.Is the hotel far from the ...

如何评价动画女恶魔人 如何评价动画女恶魔人? 途观胎压监测在哪? 勤劳一生什么生肖 一生劳碌一生享最准的生肖 勤劳一生是什么生肖 勤劳一生,终会得奖,天道酬勤作栋梁指是什么生肖,词典梳理落实 温州有哪些性价比高的面馆推荐? 护士执业资格证的照片怎么审核成功 二33乐园怎么下载? 赤峰融兴盛世大厦地址在哪里? 表演系都考一些什么?是都考还是选一个?1 表演专业都考什么?39 笔记本不小心点了电源按钮,会不会有什么问题 为啥我的手机不显示微信信息? 为什么微信来信息只显示角标了呢? 报表演专业都考些什么?239 事宜是什么意思?3 事宜是什么意思334 平凉附近有什么好玩的地方8 相声演员刘伟去世(相声界失去一位传奇,刘伟永远离去) 若退休人员的原单位不给交医疗保险该怎么办?12 维也纳酒店与维也纳3好酒店的区别 unity3d能不能开发回合制游戏 韩国的一部讲述一个戴面具的男人强奸女性,在其兴奋时砍掉其头颅...10 刘、字有几画26 刘的繁体字怎么写,多少画119 ...gpwlafn2uaeb58.html?vid=u0015ybz6f3 这网址的歌名。。 血小板减少说需要输人血白蛋白,请问需不需要输人血白 咖啡色鸽子价格贵吗 哈尔滨大停水原因? 我老是频繁的感冒,是湿气重吗1 赤峰尚品佳苑地址在哪里? 哈尔滨道里区为什么总停水 邻里关系如何建立和睦相处 微信消息不显示内容怎么办? 什么是自然气化20 大自然的现象中,什么属于汽化,液化,升华和凝华6 身体湿气重,总感冒 身体比较虚容易感冒,湿气重吃什么好?6 表演专业艺考考试考什么?13 艺考表演专业都考什么内容,需要做什么准备?4 封龙山景区有几个门 跪求一首失散多年的轻快英文歌 湿气重是什么原因造成的284 风寒感冒加湿气重什么症状2 苹果11pro拍照模糊在深圳幸福村正规售后在哪? “相关事宜”是什么意思?280 事宜什么意思3 "事宜"和"事项"有什么区别啊?各有什么用法?207
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