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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 13:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:22

1. an orange
2.her family name
3.telephone number
4.my cousin's electronis game
5.a yellow back pack
6.his black pencil sharpener
7.brothers and sisters/siblings
8.two green watches
9.Kate's student's identity card
10.your parents
11.Bill have a lot of healthy food for breakfast.
12.Does your uncle like cauliflower?
13.There are six tennis racket.
14.How much is the sweater?
15.Let's guard the telephone bar.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:23

1. An orange
2. Her surname
3. Telephone number
4. My cousin's computer game
5. A decadent knapsack
6. His black pencilknife
7. Brothers sister
8. Two greens wristwatches
9. Kate's student identity card
10. Your parents
11. The Bill breakfast eats many healthy foods 12. do Your uncle like eating the cauliflower? 13.there are six tennis rackets above table
14. How much money does this woolen sweater want?
15. Let us look at the telephone

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:23

1.an orange
2.her last name(her sur name)
3.phone number
4.my cousin's computer(不知是什么电子游戏?电脑?PS?GBA?在英文中是不同的) game
5.a yellow bag
6.his black pencil-cutter
7.brother/sister(Sometimes just as "blood")
8.two green watches
9.kty's student card
10.your parents
11.Bill eats a lot of healthy food for breakfast
12.Does your uncle eats 花椰菜(no idea what this is)?
13.There are six tennis rackets on the table.
14.How much is this sweater?
Let's watch TV.
Let's pick up the phone.

1. an orange 2.her family name 3.telephone number 4.my cousin's electronis game 5.a yellow back pack 6.his black pencil sharpener 7.brothers and sisters/siblings 8.two green watches 9.Kate's student's identity card 10.your parents 11.Bill have a lot of healthy food for ...

找英语高手,帮我翻译下一句英文. 谢谢 !

请英语高手帮我翻译一句话(汉译英)谢谢 I shall meet you at the airport with an interpreter.


5 winners never quit, quitters never succeed


1.我是一个好学生 I'm a good student.2.他将要去美国(be going)he is going to study in America.3.她昨天看了一本很无聊的书 she read a boring book yesterday.4.他昨天这个时候正在和他家的狗打架 he was quarrel with his dog yesterday at this time 5.你已经做完全部作业了吗?


There's a grief that can't be spoken 有一种悲伤说不出口 There's a pain goes on and on 有一种痛苦仍在继续 Here we talked of revolution 我们曾在这里畅谈革命 Here it was we lit the flame 我们曾在这里点燃火种 Here we sang about tomorrow 我们曾在这里歌唱明天 And tomorrow ...


Every body knows the principle:a mistake every one will make often--a rainbow will tell you in the sky after being rainy,"forget yourself,get more. "我是意译高手,不喜死译。我要求的是意思一样,表达更好。


it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我最美的年龄给了我一段刻骨铭心的爱情...


32 The Great Leap Forward of 1958-1959 initially produced gains in agricultural and industrial production,but subsequently resulted in serious economic imbalances.1958-1959年间的大跃进起初在工业和农业方面均有建树,但随后却造成了严重的经济失衡。33 When the European Community’s vast single ...


1:他累了 He is tired.2:好主意 Good idea.3:太糟糕了 It’s too bad,4:我认为如此 I think so.5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably.6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter.7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴气直接是中文的,翻译词典也是这么...


1.You must single-mindedly to me 2.You can only be good to me,and only love me.3.If I was angry,you should make me happy.4.Even if you got angry,you must make me happy 5.If i am not happy,you should not leave me alone 6.If you are not happy,you must tell me...

海口王府井优乐教育怎么样 海口福诺教育怎么样 海口普通话培训机构是哪些 海口有什么教育机构 海口朗硕教育怎么样 海口中考辅导机构排名 水养的洋葱叶可以吃吗 外地户口在珠海读初中还要交借读费吗? 外地户口能在珠海读高中的条件 三星I8190(Galaxy S3 mini)如何与电脑相连接? 谁能帮我翻译成英语的?!很重要,谢谢。 怎么翻译啊?大家帮帮忙! 希望大家帮我翻译一下。 帮忙翻译一下,急!! 英文翻译 关于羽毛球的简单段落(中译英) 8只网球拍 英语翻译 用英语翻译有两副乒乓球拍 三副网球拍 英语翻译 【初一内容】速度!!帮我翻译,英文中文互翻译。50分 他们有网球拍吗?英语翻译 它有两块乒乓球拍翻译 我得到了比往年要多的压岁钱.翻译成英文 英语中,单位的翻译:“根、块、组、台、个、片、付” dota2饰品交易要在哪个网站交易?哪个比较好? 哪个网站的饰品交易比较好 请教:Steam市场饰品交易在哪 igxe c5被封,现在还有什么交易平台能够交易steam游戏饰品 dota2现在常用可信的饰品交易平台都有哪些 steam游戏饰品 都有哪些平台 新浪微博上的互相关注的粉丝,如果我取消了关注,他会知道吗?还有,我发的微博对方还能看到吗?谢谢了。 我们这里有二十个篮球25个足球和十五个排球十二个网球还有十八双网球拍它们摆放得十分整洁英语翻译什么 英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一下一些文字! 怎么批量删QQ好友 写给爸爸妈妈的一封家信一页半的作文 如何快速加微信好友怎么让精准粉丝主动加你 微信怎么快速佳好友和精准粉丝主动咨询呢? 微商常说的精准粉丝是什么?加了有什么用?澜庭集微商也要加精准粉吗? 做微商怎么加人,如何让精准粉丝主动来加我 微商怎么加好友,如何吸引精准粉丝主动加? 怎么样让更多的人主动来加我而且是精准客户? 微商怎么加《精准粉丝》?如何加《精准客户》?是主动地还是被动的?? 在网上看到微信人工加粉筛选精准粉丝可靠吗?是骗人的吗 企业如何网络推广,让精准粉丝主动加你 指甲怎么长得快 指甲怎么长的快? 生石灰的容重是多少? 生石灰比重? 生石灰和熟石灰的密度各是多少??? 石灰的比重 生石灰的比重???急急急急及
  • 焦点


