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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 13:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:50

1. It's very important for us to keep healthy because without good health we can nearly do nothing. I think good eating habbits and doing enough exercise are the main factors to keep fit. What's more, we should wash our hands in time and drink enough water every day. We'd better not drink or smoke because they are bad for our health.

2. With the development of the tecknoledge, the internet is becoming an important part in our daily life. People use it to work, study, read the news, listen to music, watch movies and so on. But if we spend lots of time on the internet, it wil do harm to our health.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:51

I have lived in JiNan for 5 years long. So I am very familiar with Jinan’s weather. In winter, the weather is warmer than any other places nearby. During the spring and autumn seasons, the weather is always quite cool to give you a comfortable feeling, so it's a good time to make travels in JiNan. QianFo Hill, DaMingHu and HongYeGu, all of them are excellent traveling sites. However, when JiNan comes into summer, everything will be changed. That's to say, If you have a trip in JiNan on summer, you sure definitely realize what a stupid decision you have made.

Briefly speaking, the temperature in summer is extremely too hot to stand outside. To my experience, the top temperature in JiNan can go up to 43 degree and the average is also over 36 degree. Besides, another important factor is the frowziness[闷热]. Since JiNan is circled by series hills from 3 directions, winds can hardly blow through the hills to JiNan inside. Additionally, the height of the city is also lower than other city of Shandong province. So people living in JiNan can hardly feel the flowing of air. For these reasons, you will feel unbearable heat in summer of JiNan.

Frankly, I am a fat boy with thicker fat than other, so I incredible suffer a lot when the summer comes to JiNan. And I have to keep studying in Shandong University for two years. But what can I do, I hate the summer weather and sincerely hope to find a good job in a city with perfect climate. For example, Qing is a good choice to me.

新春快乐!吉祥如意!幸福康健!新的一年,心平气和,顺顺利利,和和美美,团团圆圆! 加分吧,嘻嘻
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